

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Centre for Black Student Excellence Newsletter - January 2023

Happy New Year!

Centre for Black Student Excellence

We invite you to explore our new online presence at www.yrdsb.ca/blackexcellence to:

  • Access videos, resources and information about community partners.
  • Learn more about our work to dismantle anti-Black racism, guided by our strategy.
  • Celebrate Black excellence through video, feature stories, podcasts and more. 
  • Find out about programs available to Black students and families. 
  • Check out our new community newsletter. 
  • And much more.


YRDSB Programs

Black Excellence Program

The vision of the Black Excellence Program, (BEP), is to advance the achievement, wellbeing and sense of belonging of Black students in YRDSB schools through responsive programming that affirms their identity, builds on their strengths, and enhances their access to academic opportunities after high school. Students will have opportunities to learn from each other, experts from diverse fields, and mentors who will uplift, inspire and encourage them. 

The Center for Black Student Excellence is pleased to announce that in the 2022-2023 school year, the program will be extended to 100 students from YRDSB secondary schools who self-identify as Black or African descended.

Please share information about the Black Excellence Program with your school community and encourage your students to sign-up for this Black-affirming experience using the

BEP Registration Form.

Ascending Sisters Pilot Project

In alignment with the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy, Ascending Sisters serves as a mentorship program that connects Black girls and non-binary students with self-identified Black YRDSB staff (e.g., teachers, educational assistants, Child and Youth workers, support professionals, administrators). Cisgender girls, transgender girls and non binary students from grades 7-10 in selected pilot schools are all welcome to participate.

Through targeted wellness, health and mentorship opportunities, students will be provided with the opportunity to develop a stronger sense of self, promote healing, increase ability to advocate, communicate effectively and further enhance their leadership skills. 

Please contact the Black Excellence Planning Team at ascendingsisters@yrdsb.ca if you have further questions.

Rise Brothers

Rise Brothers is committed to supporting Black males–elementary & secondary students–from grades 7 to 12. Through school contacts, participating schools will be asked to recommend Black male students who fit the following new criteria:

  • Black male-identified
  • Presently achieving level 2 or below (elementary) or credit deficient (secondary)
  • Have experienced attendance challenges
  • Have a problematic school discipline history 

Please take a look at our promotional video, which outlines the program’s vision and goals. 

Please contact the Black Excellence Planning Team at Blackexcellence@yrdsb.ca if you have further questions.



The Alliance of Educators for Black Students (AEBS) is committed to promoting well-being and excellence in achievement for students of African/ Caribbean heritage.  You can follow them on Twitter @AEBSyrdsb

Learn more about Black community agencies that provide supports in your area:


Upcoming Community Events

January, 2023 - YRAACC/Sankofa Tutoring Program 

We are committed to seeing our Black students succeed. Sessions will take place weekly online for 90 minutes once per week. Note: dates and availability are subject to change in January 2023. Register using the google form.

January 17, 2023 - BFCN/Scholarship Application Workshop
Black students of York Region District School Board (YRDSB) and their families are invited to join us for a virtual edition of the BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop on Tuesday January 17, 2023, from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST. The workshop is offered free of charge and the goal is to share our collective knowledge so that Black students and their families can make informed decisions about post-secondary education and funding options. Note that the BFCN Scholarship Program Coordinator will also be present to answer any questions. Registration via Eventbrite is mandatory in order to participate, and a Zoom link with further details will be sent to all those who register.

February 1, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
ABC/Pan African Flag Raising 

Aurora Black Community hosting Pan African Flag raising at, 100 John West Way, Aurora, ON L4G 6J1, Canada

You can register at RSVP

February 3, 2023 @ 6:00pm
ABC/Black History Opening Ceremony 

Enjoy a night of elegance with dinner, a silent auction, and entertainment. Thanks to our main sponsors, the Town of Aurora and TD Bank, the event is free to our everyone. Located at Corner Stone Church, 390 Industrial Pkwy S, Aurora, ON L4G 3V7

You can register at RSVP

February 4, 2023 @ 10:00 am - NACCA/Black History Month 2023
We are very pleased to have planned an exciting roster of events throughout Black History Month, and are hosting a very special reception for Saturday, February 4, 2023. This year’s theme is “The Black Family: Source of Perseverance and Resilience.” The inspiration for this theme is from the writer and activist, Maya Angelou. Her phrase, “I sustain myself with the love of family” rings evermore true today. The reception will be hosted at the Old Town Hall in Newmarket, located at 460 Botsford Street with a wonderful day-long program beginning at 10 a.m. through to 4:00 p.m

February 4, 2023 - NACCA/Call for Art Exhibit 

Theme of the art is: The Black Family: Source of Perseverance and Resilience. Art Exhibit will take place at Old Town Hall, 460 Botsford Street, Newmarket ON L3Y 1T1 on Saturday, February 4, 2024.

Submit all forms of visual art including photography, painting, sculpture etc until January 15, 2023 via email to blackhistory@naccacommunity.ca or by USB to NACCA (449 Eagle Street, Newmarket ON, L3Y 1K7) 

February 18, 2023 @ 11:00am
YRAACC/Black History Month Celebration 

6th Annual Black History Month Celebration at Bur Oak Secondary School!
Please see the poster for more information and use this link register!
Contact info@yorkregionaacc.ca for more information. 

March, 2023 - MACCA/York Region Youth School Success Initiative
Now accepting Black students in grades 6-8 in the York Region Youth School Success Initiative! Kick off the week of March 21st. Register today!


SHINE Podcast

Listen to the SHINE Podcast

SHINE is a YRDSB podcast that features voices from the Black community. 

It introduces conversations that inspire and challenge. Guests share their lived experiences, advice, industry expertise and more. SHINE is a production of Tune In YRDSB. Tune In YRDSB is the first podcast of its kind in Ontario, featuring a wide range of topics related to education. 

Tune In YRDSB is available on all major podcast platforms. 

To request support from a member of the Centre for Black Student Excellence team
please email BlackStudentExcellence@yrdsb.ca