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Test jan 7 alert

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test jan 5-2

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Test jan 5

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Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





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This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Special Edition Newsletter - September/October 2022

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A newsletter to support those in York Region who work with students with exceptional learning strengths & needs.


In this Newsletter

Monthly Highlights

  • Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
  • Student Hoedown
  • Ignite Technology Grant
  • World Mental Health Day

Spotlighting Excellence, Achievement & Community

  • International Week of Deaf People
  • International Sign Languages Day

Important Dates

  • Buddy Walk - October 23 
  • Learning Disabilities Association of York Region
    • IEP Workshop - October 18
    • Programs Offered: Girls Connect, JUMP Math, Reading Rocks, SOAR Transitions 


Monthly Highlights

What is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month?

Learning Disabilities Awareness Month is recognized every October and events are held by the Learning Disabilities Association of York Region. It is about raising awareness and reducing stigma to allow people to get the supports they need to reach their potential. 

“People too often define the life of someone living with Learning Disabilities by the areas where they need support such as math, reading, writing or organizational skills. The goal of this campaign is for people to see the areas of strength and abilities which often get overlooked.” - Lawrence Barns President and CEO of LDAO

Did You Know....?

  • Learning disabilities (LDs) are brain-based difficulties that affect one or more ways that a person takes in, stores, recalls or uses verbal and nonverbal information.
  • LDs can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing, and math.  They can also interfere with higher-level skills such as organization, time management and social communication skills.
  • Students may have a lot of difficulty in some areas but none or very little in others. This can be confusing to teachers, and even to the students themselves.
  • Students with LDs can be successful when they have access to specific skill instruction, compensatory strategies, self-advocacy skills and accommodations.
  • In YRDSB, approximately 40% of students identified with an exceptionality have a Learning Disability.
  • YRDSB has a Learning Disabilities Steering Committee dedicated to furthering the success of students with learning disabilities.                             
Student on a computer with earphones with text Don't Dis My Abilities. October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month. Help stop the stigma and realize the abilities. Student on a computer with earphones with text Don't Dis My Abilities. October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month. Help stop the stigma and realize the abilities.

                                                                         LD Awareness campaign #LDmonth

How can I help celebrate and recognize LD Awareness Month?

There are many ways you can help celebrate and recognize Learning Disabilities Awareness Month:


Student Hoedown

On Friday, September 16, 2022, high school students and educators from York Region District School Board and York Region Catholic District School Board participated in the Magna Student Hoedown. The Student Hoedown was held virtually this year as students viewed and participated in activities with a pre-recorded video full of entertainment, music and dancing. 

The Magna Hoedown supports 30 York Region charities, non-profits and community groups who provide services to people living in York Region, including Autism Ontario, Kerry’s Place and the Learning Disabilities Association of York Region.


Ignite Technology Grant

The Ignite Technology Grant is an opportunity for students and schools to host an event within their school to bring awareness to the effective and successful use of technology for modern learning. This grant is designed to create leadership opportunities, build communication skills, and increase self-esteem for students with SEA equipment within their school community. There are five awards of $480 available for students and schools to host an event at their school. 

There are also three graduation awards of $1000 for Grade 12 students who will be graduating in June 2023. The graduation awards are given to students who use SEA equipment to put towards the purchase of personal technology to assist in their post-secondary goals. Applications open October 7, 2022 and close on December 2, 2022. 


World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day will take place on October 10, 2022 and is an opportunity to discuss and examine ways to protect and improve mental health. This year’s theme is Making Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority. The YRDSB Student Mental Health and Addiction Strategy prioritizes mental health through the promotion of health, enhancing capacity, prevention of illness, and support when needed. The strategy also honours students where they are, fosters inclusion, inspires belonging and builds community through actions that are within, between and around individuals. For more information and tips on fostering mental health and well-being, check out the YRDSB Mental Health monthly newsletters throughout the school year. 


Spotlighting Excellence, Achievement & Community

International Week of Deaf People

Students in the Partially Integrated Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Alexander Mackenzie High School celebrated the International Week of Deaf People (September 19 - September 23) through discussing and bringing awareness to Deaf Culture, Deaf community, and Sign Language. They featured presentations in their school about famous Deaf people, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the world. Evelyn, Jamal, Gavin and Krish brought awareness to their school and our school board through creating videos, which were featured on YRDSB instagram, on their typical school days and the importance of this week. 


International Day of Sign Language

International Day of Sign Language was celebrated this year on September 23. Students in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Primary Sign Class at Sixteenth Avenue Public School created posters to build understanding and bring awareness to Sign Language and the Canadian and International Deaf community. They promoted International Day of Sign Language within and beyond their school through submitting their posters to the Markham Fair.


Important Dates

Down Syndrome Association of York Region 

Buddy Walk

Since 2005, the Down Syndrome Association of York Region (DSAYR) has been hosting an Annual Buddy Walk gathering its members along with their family & friends to walk together to promote the abilities of people with Down syndrome. Creating awareness begins in our own communities, so in celebration of Down Syndrome Awareness month, the DSAYR invites you to support the Buddy Walk once again this year.  Check out buddywalk.ca to learn more and register to attend.

  • Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
  • Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
  • Location: North Maple Regional Park, 11067 Keele St, Maple, ON L6A 1S1


Learning Disabilities Association of York Region

IEP Workshop - October 18, 2022

This Workshop is for parents and professionals who wish to learn more about the Individual Education Process and inform parents of their role in creating their child’s Individual Education Plan. Each section of the IEP will be reviewed and explained individually to demonstrate how it can assist your child to achieve their potential in school. Registration for this virtual workshop is free. 


Jump Math is an individualized tutoring program for students aged 8-14 who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of math due to a diagnosed, identified, or suspected math disability (dyscalculia), and who are showing signs of math anxiety. This program will be offered in person and virtually with 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks. For more information please contact Sam Harrison at sam.harrison@ldayr.org or (905) 884-7933 ext. 6. 

Reading Rocks

Reading Rocks is an individualized reading intervention program designed by Brock University’s Dr. John McNamara, who specializes in Learning Disabilities. This program is designed for students aged 8-14 who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of literacy due to a diagnosed, identified, or suspected reading disability (dyslexia). The program will be held virtually in a series of 1-hour sessions twice per week for 8 weeks. Enrollment will be based on a first come, first serve basis.  For more information please contact Sam Harrison at sam.harrison@ldayr.org or (905) 884-7933 ext.6.

Girls Connect

Girls Connect is a social group for supporting the needs of girls ages 7-18 with a primary diagnosis of learning disabilities and/or ADHD.  Participants will:

  • Be connected to and contribute to building a safe community for girls with LDs and ADHD.
  • Develop Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) skills including building healthy relationships, identifying and managing emotions and coping with stress.
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence.
  • Develop executive function and self-advocacy skills.

This 6 week in-person program will be split into one hour weekly sessions. For more information, please contact meaghan.beals@ldayr.org, call 905-884-7933 ext. 2 or register online.

SOAR Transitions Elementary

This program will help Grade 7 – 8 participants identified with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD to develop life skills to succeed academically and vocationally. Participants will be provided with strategies on: learning preferences, self-advocacy, executive function, as well as understanding their Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) as it relates to secondary school transitions. The SOAR Mindful Transitions Program equips students with the knowledge they need to succeed in high school and beyond. Sessions will be customized for one-to-one or group settings for 45 minutes for 4 weeks. For more information and to register, please contact Sam Harrison at sam.harrison@ldayr.org or (905) 884-7933 ext.6.

SOAR Transitions Secondary

This program will help participants in secondary school identified with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD to develop life skills to succeed academically and vocationally. Participants will be provided with strategies on: self-advocacy, executive function, employment soft skills and resumes, as well as understanding their Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) for grade 12 post-secondary transitions (i.e. workplace, apprenticeship, College, University). Information and resources on post-secondary endeavors will be provided with assistance for making academic and career choices. Sessions will be customized for one-to-one or group settings for 45 minutes for 4 weeks. For more information and to register, please contact Sam Harrison at sam.harrison@ldayr.org or (905) 884-7933 ext.6


Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meetings

The SEAC meets on the first Thursday of every month. All are welcome to attend and observe. For more information about SEAC and our SEAC members, please visit the SEAC webpage.

Upcoming SEAC Meetings

The meeting dates for the remainder of the year are set out below. 

  • October 6, 2022
  • November 3, 2022
  • December 8, 2022


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