

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Engagement Matters, Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PEAC) Advisory Committee , Spring/Summer 2022 Newsletter




Upcoming PEAC Public Meeting

May 19 2022 at 7:00 pm  to 9:00 pm - PEAC Public Meeting

*How to attend a PEAC Public Meeting: PEAC public meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. In addition to Board and PEAC updates, there are also special interest presentations at each meeting. Non-PEAC attendees are in listen only mode. Connection instructions can be found within the meeting agenda, which is posted before the meeting date on the YRDSB website.


Interested in becoming a PEAC Member?

The application process opens this month!

The PEAC new member application process will begin in May 19, 2022. Join us for an information session hosted by current PEAC members and associated YRDSB staff. The information session will provide information for those who are interested in becoming a PEAC member. Please see the PEAC webpage for more information as it becomes available.

What is the purpose of PEAC and its members?

PEAC members support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the Board level in an effort to improve student achievement and well-being. They represent the collective voice of parents who have children attending public schools in York Region.

What are the membership expectations?

Members are expected to attend a minimum of five meetings each year in person or virtual (to be determined), and are encouraged to participate on PEAC sub-committees.

How to apply?

Interested applicants are asked to submit an application using ONE of the methods listed below once the application period opens on May 19 2022:


Celebrating Mental Health Week

The beginning of May was Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week in Ontario. YRDSB planned a variety of classroom daily activities, including webinars and seminars, and worked with our community partners to build awareness about this important topic. Thank you to everyone for your hard work. Please visit the Student Mental Health and Addiction Newsletter for more information.


PEAC Regional Symposium

Tips from Dr. Alex Russell on how to keep our kids safe while watching them grow

Dr. Russell, the keynote speaker at the PEAC Regional Parent Symposium, taught us that when our children leave the home, they learn how to manage themselves in the world through social reality. For many reasons, the pandemic delayed these growth opportunities. Now - as the parents, guardians, caregivers, and teachers - we are learning how to support our children as they return to the outside world. This transition is a time of uncertainty and for many, uncertainty can breed anxiety.

Anxiety and growth

Anxiety is an emotion in the fear family. It is a mix of fear and planning, which results in the anticipation that something could happen. Anxiety is a learned behavior based on past experiences and is beneficial to our growth and survival because it helps protect us from unfortunate circumstances.

Parenting and anxiety

When our children are young, our role is to protect and direct them; the younger they are, the more we do this. As they grow older, the role changes as they learn how adaptive anxiety (the good type of anxiety that helps with survival) can help them protect themselves by making positive decisions.

"Minding" youth with anxiety

Adaptive anxiety is learned through non-catastrophic painful failure within a safe environment, and is best supported when those around the child mirror the response of the child. This is called "minding." An example is when a child falls and scrapes their knee, they will likely cry. A minding response is to say, "Ouch! That looks like it really hurts." This type of response validates the emotions felt by the child, which in turn, helps create resiliency. You are confirming their sense of self by recognizing their experience in the moment.

If you were unable to attend the main session of the Symposium, we would like to share the recording for you to view.



Looking for updates relating to:

  • Health and Safety

  • Learning Model Selection

  • Teaching and Learning

Please visit the YRDSB COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

Some questions you will find the answers to are:

  • Will there be food lunch programs available?

  • What changes will be made in schools in respect to ventilation?

You may also wish to visit the Health and Safety webpage to have your questions answered relating to:

  • Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs

  • Field Trips

  • School Assemblies

Event Ideas and Year-End School Council Tasks

Thanks to our school council chairs who shared ideas about successful events at their school on our Edsby group. Here are some highlights from those posts, plus a few other ideas to help you plan your next event.

  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Fun Fair
  • Year-End BBQ
  • Martial Arts Class
  • Talent Show
  • Family Movie Night
  • Family Math Night
  • Pizza Lunches
  • Games Night

As the school year draws to an end, school councils can finish the year strong, and prepare for a successful new year, by doing these four tasks. More details can be found in our June 2021 newsletter.

  • Prepare the school council annual report
  • Review and update the principal profile
  • Review your council's election process and update the constitution, if needed
  • Plan a staff and volunteer appreciation event or recognition

Join the Edsby Group for School Councils Chairs and Co-Chairs

Calling all school council chairs and co-chairs! We have an Edsby group just for you!

On our Edsby platform you can:

  • stay up-to-date on school council topics and current affairs;
  • share inspiring ideas and helpful suggestions for fundraisers and events;
  • learn about training sessions and public meetings,
  • plus so much more!

Your engagement with this group is helping create a support network for school councils across our Board. We look forward to growing this group together!

Helpful Hint: To ensure that you receive important messages, update your notification settings by following the step-by-step instructions in the “Knowledge” section of the group.

Supporting Policy Review

Policy #635, Dress Code, and Policy #672, Student Leadership, are currently under review.. We are asking for your feedback. Share your ideas and suggestions by following this link, Policy Review and Feedback.

PEAC Budget Recommendations

  • Provide more support to programs related to mental health, equity, inclusion, anti-racism and disrupting colonialism.
  • Increase international student enrolment 
  • Provide resources that can help the students have a more fulfilling academic experience (i.e funding for the arts and mental health)
  • In relation to learning recovery, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, provide more support to strengthen reading and math skills and support student resilience and mental well-being.

Provide additional staffing to classrooms and schools to ensure that students have access to the supports they need  (i.e., librarians, educational assistants, and occasional teachers)


Communicating With School Councils and PEAC

Your voice matters, especially when it comes to your child's education. Finding ways to be involved, sharing your ideas, and learning more about how to support your child are just some of the ways that you can enhance your engagement with the school. Here are some access points to help you connect with your school council or PEAC. You may also contact your school office for information that is specific to your school council.

Who What  How
PEAC Great for board-wide resources, Ministry documents, calendar of events, meeting links, newsletters, inspiring ideas

Email: leadership.development.engagement@yrdsb.ca

Website: YRDSB PEAC Website

Inquires: Contact us form

Phone: 905-727-0022 ext. 3650

Twitter: @leadershipyrdsb

Instagram: @ld_yrdsb

School Council Great for activities and resources specific to your school, volunteering, staying up-to-date with your school community, sharing your ideas.

Email: "schoolname"@sc.yrdsb.ca

Website: link on school's webpage


Supporting Policy Review

Policy #238, Parent, Family and Community Engagement, and Policy #262, School Councils, are currently under review, and we are asking for your feedback. Share your ideas and suggestions by following this link, Policy Review and Feedback.


YRDSB 2021-2022 Learning Calendar

View the York District School Board 2021-2022 Learning Calendar (PDF).

Visit Board Events for additional events.

