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Inclement Weather Day

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Test alert -1

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1918: Registration Day

In 1918, Canada held a nationwide Registration Day for everyone over 16 living in Canada. The purpose of this event was to inventory the skills of the entire population, so that the government could redirect citizens to job industries that would be more useful to the war effort.​

Canada Registration Card Canada Registration Card


These advertisements come from the Red Deer News, they were published in three consecutive issues on June 5, 12, and 19, 1918.

Canada's Registration page one Peel's Prairies Provinces, University of Alberta Library


Registration page two Peel's Prairies Provinces, University of Alberta Library


Registration page three Peel's Prairies Provinces, University of Alberta Library



This certificate must always be carried upon person of the registrant NUMBER 80 482 4

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT George J Kelly, residing at Gormley, RR2. Ont. ------ was duly registered for the national purposes of Canada this 22nd day of June 1918 Marce G. Haddow Deputy Registrar

George J. Kelly

Signature of Registrant

Canada's Registration

Its Purpose and Application


CANADA faces the gravest crisis in her history. Four years of war have taken from the Dominion a heavy toll in talent and labor, yet despite the shortage of man power, our Allies still depend on Canada to maintain her own fighting forces at full strength and to increase her exports of food and war materials, so vital to them, and to the successful prosecution of the war. Every ounce by which Canada can increase her food production and every ounce Canada can save in her food consumption is needed for export to the Allies. Should the war continue for another year food cards and a rationing system may have to be instituted. It is the duty of Canada to be prepared for whatever situation circumstances may force upon her. lt is quite probable that before the war is won our Government may have to place restrictions upon the occupations in which men and women may engage. In such an event the Government wishes to be in a position to render all possible assistance in keeping our population usefully and profitably employed.


Registration Day, June 22nd

These conditions point to the necessity of Canada knowing the exact capabilities of her men and women at home. All persons residing in Canada, male or female, British or alien of 16 years and over, will be required to register on June 22nd and truthfully answer the questions set forth upon the registration card. It is not the Government's intention to conscript labor in any form, but to assist in directing it wisely, so that ever available unit of human energy may be utilized to the best advantage. The information procured through registration will be used as an aid to the Military Authorities in procuring the men necessary to maintain "Canada's First Line of Defense" - to mobilize all units of available labor in the Dominion and direct them from less essential to more essential occupations - to establish and intelligently administer a system of food rationing should that become necessary.

Issued by authority of

Canada Registration Board

Canada Registration Board

Card for Females


1. Name in full (surname last)?

2. Age?

3. Address (permanent)?

Number       Street Rural      Delivery or Post Office     City, Town, etc.        Province

4. Nationality? Can you speak English? French?

5. British subject? By birth? Naturalization? Marriage?

6. Are you single? Married? Widow? Divorced?

7. How many children or recorder Wards under 10? Will these children be by another registrant?

8. Do your health and home ties permit you, if required, to give full-time paid work? (Registrants answering “NO” here, need not answer any of the following questions: if answering “YES” or, if in doubt, should fill up rest of card. All must sign affirmation.)

9. Do your circumstances permit you to live away from home? 10. What is your present main occupation?

(a) If in business as employer, state number of employees.

(b) If an employee, state name, business and address of employer-

(c) If full-time voluntary worker, state name of Society served.

11. State particulars of each, if you have

(a) Trade or profession?

(b) Degree, diploma or certificate?

(c) Special training?

12. State length of experience, if any, in: Years:

(a) General farming

(b) Truck farming

(c) Fruit farming

(d) Poultry farming

(e) Dairy farming

13. Can you

(a) Drive a tractor?

(b) Drive a motor car?

(c) Drive a horse?

(d) Harness a horse?

(e) Do plain cooking?

14. Indicate here any qualification or practical experience which you possess, not already recorded.

15. Considering your health, training and experience, and the national needs, in what capacity do you think you could serve best?

16. Do your circumstances permit you to give regular full-time service without remuneration?

I affirm that I have verified the above answers and that they are true.

Signature of Registrant


Procedure of Registration

On June 22nd every person residing in Canada, male or female, British or alien, of sixteen years or over, must attend one of the registration booths located in his or her district, and there observe the procedure explained below.


Where to Register

Every person required to register has the privilege of registering at any of the public places provided for that purpose. The location of all such places will be specified in proclamations posted conspicuously.


How to Register

The procedure of registration is simple. The questions upon the registration card can be answered very easily, but they must be answered truthfully and fully. The card shown in the illustration is a facsimile of the registration card for females. An advertisement showing the card for males appears in another paper.

Study the questions carefully so that you will be able to answer them promptly when registering. If you have any special qualification, or feel that your services would be more beneficial to the country in some other line of work, say so.

While all are compelled to register on Registration Day, it is not contemplated by the Government to force the sick, feeble and aged to turn out. If such persons will notify the Registrar prior to June 22nd of their inability to attend at a place of registration, an effort will be made to register them at home, provided the request is reasonable and justified. Remember the Day - June 22nd – Remember the Hours – 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Register early and get your Certificate for your own protection.


Issued by authority of

Canada Registration Board


ON June 22nd, Saturday, every man and woman, resident in Canada, who is 16 woman, resident in Canada, who is 16 years and over. must attend at one of the places provided for registration, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and there truthfully answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card. Upon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the answers, the man or woman will receive a Registration Certificate, as shown below, which must be carried upon the person thereafter.


Why the Certificate is so Important

For failure to register a maximum one of $100 and one month's imprisonment is provided, also an added penalty of $10 for each day the person remains unregistered after June 22nd. Persons remaining unregistered cannot lawfully be employed, and cannot draw wages for work done employed, and cannot draw wages for work done after June 22nd. Employers who keep unregistered persons in their employ will be liable for fines equal in amount to those recoverable from the unregistered employees. Unregistered persons cannot lawfully purchase transportation tickets, and may find themselves barred from travelling on railroads, steamboats, etc. Similarly they may he denied board and lodging at any hotel, restaurant, public house or boarding house. In a word-—All persons remaining unregistered, and all persons having dealings with unregistered persons, knowing then to be such, incur heavy penalties under the law.

REGISTRATION IS LAW. Don’t Fail to Register.

This Certificate is YOUR Protection. Get it and Carry it