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test jan 5-2

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Tes 132

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Inclement Weather Day

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Test alert

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Policy and Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers

On this page:


What has Changed?

Major changes to the document:  In response to the Capital Planning Audit, Primary Dual Track program implementation has been introduced to the policy and procedure. Detail regarding student transfers and new registrations has been included in the procedure. Clarification provided for registration and recall processes in procedure were clarified. The definition section was updated.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?  All staff members are responsible for being aware of these procedures and any associated responsibilities. Board Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers, outlines the steps followed when an attendance area is determined or under review, and the process for student transfers. Board Procedure #108.1, Student Accommodation: Overflow and Holding Schools outlines the roles for designated home schools as it relates to holding and overflow situations. Staff responsible for the student registrations must be aware of and abide by the requirements of these procedures.
Implementation timelines:  Immediate.
Lead Superintendents / Subject Matter Experts: Associate Director of Education, Schools and Operations and Senior Manager Property Planning


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • Board of Trustees

  • Director of Education

  • Associate Directors of Education

  • Superintendents of Education

  • Planning Services

  • Principals

  • School Councils

  • Parents


Relationship to Board priorities

This policy and procedure supports:

  • collaborative relationships among students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members by ensuring communities are consulted when a school boundary is created or modified.

  • ethical leadership by providing transparency and communicating processes.

  • equity by ensuring consistency in the implementation of new or modified school boundaries, overflow/recall and holding.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0,  Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.


Legislative Context

Education Act


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy #108.0

Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers


1. Policy Statement

The York Region District School Board believes in maintaining viable attendance areas (also known as school boundaries) for public schools in York Region. Board Policy and Procedure #680.0 Student Transportation addresses student transportation.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing the Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle;

  2. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers policy, as required; and

  3. approving attendance areas or any changes to an attendance area for public schools in York Region


2.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing and operationalizing the Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers policy.


3. Definitions


3.1 Attendance Area (also referred to as a School Boundary)

Each school has a defined attendance area, appropriately sized to accommodate sustainable student enrolment. Attendance areas are subject to change based on enrolment trends, construction of new schools, program changes and alignment of elementary and secondary boundaries.

The following are considerations which may affect where students attend school: programs for exceptional students, optional programs, student transfers, and students directed to attend a school other than the designated home school because of overflow, enrolment pressure, primary class size, a holding school situation, school capacity and/or exceptional circumstances.

The physical school boundary is defined by geographical features including, but not limited to, roads, railway tracks, rivers and land parcels.


3.2 Designated Home School

Designated home school refers to the school the Board assigns a student to attend for regular programming (English track) based on the location at which the student resides. Transportation zones apply.

A student may be directed to attend a school other than the designated home school in the attendance area in which their residence is located in the following circumstances. These are handled on a case-by-case basis and without prejudice:

  1. for reasons determined by the Associate Director(s) of Education; and

  2. where the student has been excluded, suspended or expelled and it is in the best interest of that student, other students and/or staff for that student to attend a different school other than their designated home school.


3.3 Exceptional Students

Exceptional students are students identified by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). Exceptional students may be enrolled in a program not located at their designated home school. Transportation zones apply unless specified by the IPRC.


3.4 Holding Area

Holding areas are not considered part of the permanent long-term attendance area. A holding area may be created to accommodate students for an interim period.


3.5 Holding School

A holding school is a school at which students are attending until long-term accommodation is available and is not part of the student’s attendance area. Examples of holding school situations include, but are not limited to, enrolment pressure, construction of a new school or renovation of an existing designated home school.


3.6 Optional Program

An optional program is a program a student may choose to attend. An optional program is not Ministry-mandated, but offered by the Board and may or may not be located at the student’s designated home school.

Students attending optional programs do not receive transportation unless approved by the Board of Trustees or if the program is located at a student’s designated home school. In all cases, transportation zones apply.


3.7 Overflow

Overflow refers to situations in which the Board directs students to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program for a specific period of time. The overflow students’ attendance area does not change. Overflow may occur for a specified period if:

  1. individual grades have exceeded acceptable enrolment levels;

  2. timetables cannot be created for a student at a secondary school;

  3. the overall enrolment exceeds the capacity of the school; or

  4. the school is unable to reorganize grades during the year.


3.8 Primary Dual Track French Immersion School

A Primary Dual Track School is one that offers English track Kindergarten to Grade 8 and French Immersion in primary grades (For example, Grade 1, Grades 1 to 2 or Grades 1 to 3). French Immersion in a Primary Dual Track School is an optional program.


3.9 School Boundary

See definition of Attendance Area.


3.10 Student Transfer

(as per Board Policy #680.0, Student Transportation)

Students who transfer out of their designated home school are not eligible for transportation.

A transfer form must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for consideration. Approval of a student transfer does not provide entitlement for the siblings of that student to attend that same school.

Transportation Zones (as per Board Policy #680.0, Student Transportation)


3.10.1 Transportation Zone

This is an area designated by Board policy as eligible for school vehicle transportation.

Measurement methods to establish transportation zones are completed along pedestrian routes within a municipality and recognize roadways, municipal walkways and parks. Measurements shall be made from the edge of a student’s driveway to the closest access to the school property.


3.10.2 Non-Transportation Zone

This is an area designated by Board policy as ineligible for school vehicle transportation.

  • Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 – a child who lives within 1.2 kilometres of the school is not eligible for Board-provided transportation.

  • Grade 4 to Grade 8 – a child who lives within 1.6 kilometres of the school is not eligible for Board-provided transportation.

  • Grades 9 to 12 – a secondary school student living in an area served by public transit is not eligible for Board-provided transportation.

  • A secondary student living more than 3.2 kilometres from the nearest secondary school in an area not served by public transit is eligible for Board-provided transportation.

For more detailed information on the Board’s Student Transportation policy and procedure, please refer to Board Policy and Procedure #680.0, Student Transportation.


4. Legislative Context

Education Act


5. History

Approved 1997

Revised 2004, 2011, February 2014

Working Document May 2013, June 2021, March 2022


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Board Procedure #108.0

Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers

1. Procedure

This procedure outlines the steps followed when an attendance area is determined or under review, and the process for student transfers.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers procedure.


2.2 The Associate Director(s) of Education shall:

  1. determine circumstances, as defined in this policy, where a student will be directed to attend a school other than their designated home school and direct a student to attend a school other than the student’s designated home school


2.3 Superintendents shall:


2.3.1 Student Transfers

  1. review, consider and, where appropriate, approve student transfers;

  2. ensure that requests for elementary and secondary school student transfers consider factors, such as, but not limited to;

  3. dialogue with Principal and Planning Services regarding student registrations from new development, where necessary; and

  4. where a student has been directed to attend a school other than their designated home school, and where accommodation is available, give consideration through the student transfer process for the student’s sibling(s).


2.3.2 Attendance Areas

  1. review attendance areas and determine program locations with Planning Services;

  2. hold public information sessions to explain the boundary review process, share information about boundaries and receive feedback from students and parents in school communities affected by the proposed boundary change;

  3. for the boundary review process;

    • annually present proposed boundary changes (including transportation impact) that may be required for implementation within the following 18 months to the Board of Trustees,

    • following the presentation to trustees, inform all affected students, their parents and school councils at least two weeks before the meeting date of the date, location and time of the public information session, and

    • hold a public information session, in consultation with the local trustee(s) when a proposed boundary change will affect 25 or more students.

    • Following public consultation, bring forward the attendance areas for approval by the Board of Trustees;


2.3.3 Primary Dual Track French Immersion School

  1. for the creation, relocation or closure of a primary dual track program;

    • annually present the school(s) identified for the creation, relocation or closure of a primary dual track program (including transportation impact), that may be required for implementation within the following 18 months to the Board of Trustees,

    • following the presentation to trustees, ensure a school council meeting is arranged to outline the change to parents, and

    • ensure the information is provided to parents through the Board’s annual French Immersion Information session.


2.3.4 Overflow or Holding Areas

  1. review, consider and, where required;

    • identify students as overflow;

    • direct students to attend a school other than their designated home school to meet kindergarten class size requirements, or in situations where space does not accommodate all children registered for kindergarten;

    • direct students to a holding school; and

    • direct students to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program in exceptional circumstances.


2.4 Planning Services shall:


2.4.1 Attendance Areas

  1. provide staff support to superintendents of schools during the boundary review process; and

  2. in consultation with superintendents of schools;

    • review school attendance areas, as required, and

    • for the schools identified for a boundary review process,

      • notify trustees each year of schools identified for a potential boundary change that may be required for implementation within the following 18 months,

      • following information being given to the trustees, ensure that the affected school principals receive notification to share with parents that Planning Services will attend a school council meeting outlining the proposed boundary change,

      • circulate a notice of a public information session to each affected school and in local newspapers indicating the date, location and time of the public information session, at least two weeks before the meeting date,

      • ensure that feedback forms are available during the public information session and after the public information session in the office of schools affected by the proposed boundary change,

      • ensure that the presentation from the public information session is available on the Board’s website 24 hours after the meeting,

      • ensure that at the public information session, information is made available on how public delegations may be made to the Board Standing Committee,

      • present to Property Management Committee the recommended attendance area(s), a review of the process followed and the public input received,

      • ensure each impacted school receives the Property Management Committee report indicating the recommended attendance boundary that will be presented to the Board Standing Committee, and

      • formally present to the Board of Trustees, the recommended attendance area(s), a review of the process followed and the public input received.

  3. when exceptional circumstances exist, present an alternate timeline for the boundary review process and the communication plan to the affected area to Property Management Committee for approval.


2.4.2 Primary Dual Track French Immersion School

  1. for the creation, relocation or closure of a primary dual-track program;

    • annually present the school(s) identified for the creation, relocation or closure of a primary dual track program (including transportation impact), that may be required for implementation within the following 18 months to the Board of Trustees,

    • following information being given to the trustees, ensure that the affected school principals receive notification to share with parents that Planning Services will attend a school council meeting outlining the change,

    • ensure that the presentation from the school council session is available on the Board’s website 24 hours after the meeting,

    • ensure the information is provided to parents through the Board’s annual French Immersion Information session, and

    • present to Property Management Committee the plan for delivering primary dual track programming, a review of the process followed and the public input received.


2.4.3 Overflow or Holding Areas

  1. in consultation with superintendents of schools;

    • identify students to attend a school other than their designated home school for situations that include, but are not limited to, optional programs, overflow, primary class size compliance, administrative reasons or holding schools; and

    • recommend to the superintendent of schools that students attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program;


2.5 Secondary Principals shall:

  1. review student transfers and forward them to the superintendent of schools for approval for the entire duration of secondary school;

  2. communicate to the parent and student community about attendance areas and situations in which students have been identified to attend a school other than their designated home school due to situations such as, but not limited to, optional programs, overflow, primary class size compliance, administrative reasons or holding schools;

  3. share with parents any notifications provided by Planning Services inviting them to attend a school council meeting outlining proposed boundary changes; and

  4. confirm construction status with Planning Services for student registrations from new development for the upcoming school year, where necessary;

    • student registrations with documentation that includes a purchase closing date prior to October 31st for the upcoming school year can attend the designated home school/holding school for the new development area,
    • student registrations with documentation that includes a purchase closing date after November 1st for the upcoming school year must initiate the transfer process if they wish to attend the designated home school/holding school for the new development area.


2.6 Elementary Principals shall:

  1. review student transfers and forward them to the superintendent of schools for approval, and

  2. by February of each year;

    • review the list of students currently on transfer,

    • send a letter to the parents of students on transfer to notify them that their child is still considered a transfer student and to seek confirmation that they wish their child to continue to attend the school, in order to notify and seek approval of the superintendent of schools,

    • compile a final list of students currently on transfer and forward it to the superintendent of schools for approval, and

    • once approval has been received from the superintendent of schools, communicate with parents of students on transfer that their child may, or may not, continue to attend the school; and

  3. communicating to the parent and student community about attendance areas and situations in which students have been identified to attend a school other than their designated home school due to situations such as, but not limited to, optional programs, overflow, primary class size compliance, administrative reasons or holding schools;

  4. share with parents any notifications provided by Planning Services inviting them to attend a school council meeting outlining proposed boundary changes or planned changes for primary dual track programming, and

  5. confirm construction status with Planning Services for student registrations from new development for the upcoming school year, where necessary;

    • student registrations with documentation that includes a purchase closing date prior to October 31st for the upcoming school year can attend the designated home school/holding school for the new development area,

    • student registrations with documentation that includes a purchase closing date after November 1st for the upcoming school year must initiate the transfer process if they wish to attend the designated home school/holding school for the new development area.


2.7 School Councils shall:

  1. submit feedback on proposed school boundary changes to the school office or to the superintendent of schools no later than two weeks after the public meeting.


2.8 Parents shall:

  1. submit their feedback regarding proposed boundary changes to the school office or superintendent of schools no later than two weeks after the public meeting;

  2. understand if Policy or Procedure #680.0, Student Transportation is amended that impacted students, identified to remain at the school, must comply with the most current policy;

  3. if they wish to have their child transferred to a school outside of their designated home school or optional program school;

    • initiate the transfer process by contacting the designated home school or optional program school to complete the student transfer form,

    • understand that schools may be restricted or closed to new transfer requests based on:

      • existing and projected enrolment,

      • staffing and class size,

      • existing optional programming and/or programming for exceptional students,

      • the number of students requesting transfers from sending and receiving schools, and

      • the annual list of secondary schools closed to new transfer requests;

    • understand that students on transfer are not entitled to transportation,

    • understand that approval of a transfer does not entitle siblings of the transfer student to attend the same school, and

    • understand that they must complete a transfer form for each sibling, and the same criteria for admission applies;

  4. if they wish to have their child attend an optional program that is offered in a school other than their designated home school, understand that;

    • once admitted, their child will have the right to continue that program until completion, or until a more suitable program is recommended for the student, or until the program is moved from that location,

    • if they withdraw their child from the optional program, they must apply for a student transfer to have their child continue that school’s regular program and are not entitled to transportation, and

    • sibling(s) are not entitled to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and if they wish to have siblings attend the same school other than their designated home school or optional program, they must complete the transfer form for each sibling;

  5. understand that their child may be directed by the Board to temporarily attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and in these situations;

    • the attendance area for their designated home school or optional program does not change, but space or timetable is not available,

    • students may be redirected by the Board back to their designated home school or optional program as space becomes available,

    • if they wish to have their child remain at a school other than their designated home school or optional program, they may apply for a student transfer, and

    • sibling(s) are not entitled to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and if they wish to have siblings attend the same school other than their designated home school or optional program, they must complete the transfer form for each sibling;

  6. understand that when a school boundary has been changed;

    • all students are to attend the school serving the newly defined attendance area (their new designated home school or optional program) unless directed otherwise by the Board,

    • existing students who do not wish to attend their new designated home school may apply for a transfer to the current school location, if space is available, and will not be entitled to transportation as per Board Policy #680.0, Student Transportation,

    • implementation of the new boundary may be phased in over a multi-year period, and

    • sibling(s) are not entitled to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and if they wish to have siblings attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program, they must complete the transfer form for each sibling;

  7. understand that when a primary dual track program has been created, relocated or closed;

    • all students are to attend the primary dual track school for specific grades unless directed otherwise by the Board,

    • students who do not wish to attend the primary dual track school may apply for a transfer to another optional program school, if space is available, and will not be entitled to transportation as per Board Policy #680.0, Student Transportation,

    • implementation may be phased in over a multi-year period, and

    • sibling(s) are not entitled to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and if they wish to have siblings attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program, they must complete the transfer form for each sibling;

  8. understand that when a new elementary school opens;

    • all students must move from their holding school to their new designated home school or optional program, unless otherwise specified by the Board, and

    • sibling(s) are not entitled to attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program and if they wish to have siblings attend a school other than their designated home school or optional program, they must complete the transfer form for each sibling; and

  9. understand that when a new secondary school opens;

    • it generally opens with Grades 9 and 10 with an additional grade added each subsequent year for the next two years,

    • all students entering Grades 9 and 10 must move from their holding school to their new designated home school or optional program, and

    • all students entering Grade 11 and 12 remain at the holding school until graduation and will be entitled to transportation if they qualify as per Board Policy #680.0, Student Transportation.


2.9 Members of the Public shall:

  1. submit feedback on proposed school boundary changes to the school office or to the superintendent of schools no later than two weeks after the public meeting.


3. History

Approved 2011

Revised February 2014, December 2016, January 2021, April 2021, May 2021

Working Document May 2013, June 2021

Revised February 2022


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Board Procedure #108.1

Student Accommodation: Overflow and Holding Schools


1. Procedure Statement

This procedure outlines the registration and recall process for students of overflow and holding schools designated as such due to accommodation needs as outlined in Policy and Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation.


2. Application

This procedure will ensure that the Board has a consistent approach in the consultation and decision-making process for recalling students that have been directed to an overflow or holding school.


3. Definitions


3.1 Overflow Class Size Guidelines

  1. The overflow/holding class size guidelines for elementary classes are:

    • Kindergarten – up to 30 students

    • Grades 1 to 3 – enroll all classes to 23

    • Junior/Intermediate classes – one above the board’s Junior/Intermediate class size average target defined in the collective agreement


3.2 Recall Criteria – Grade 1-8 Regular/Optional Programs

  1. When the designated home school has space available to recall students in regular or optional programs in grades 1-8 without re-organizing classes, the following criteria will be used, in order, to determine which students assigned to overflow schools will be recalled:

    • Available recall space in a grade(s) as per the overflow class size guidelines.

    • Registration date.

    • Sibling enrolled in the designated home school in the previous school year.

    • Students who reside nearest to the school.

  2. If one student in a family accepts a recall offer, their sibling does not receive higher priority for recall.


3.2.1 Examples:

  1. If two Grade 3 spaces become available to recall students and there are five students on overflow in Grade 3. School staff would select the first two Grade 3 overflow students with the earliest registration date. If all five students on overflow registered on the same- day then students who have a sibling who attended the designated home school in the previous school year would be called first. If all children have siblings in the school then the child who resides nearest to the designated home school would be offered recall.

  2. If a space becomes available in a combined class, school staff would review overflow students in both grades to recall. The overflow student who registered first in either Grade 2 or 3 would then be recalled. If there is more than one Grade 2 or Grade 3 students on overflow who registered on the same-day then the student who has a sibling who attended the designated home school in the previous school year would be recalled first. If both children have siblings in the school, then the child who resides nearest to the school would be offered recall.


3.3 Recall Criteria – Kindergarten

  1. When the designated home school has space to recall students in Kindergarten without re-organizing classes, the following criteria will be used, in order, to determine which students assigned to overflow schools will be recalled:

    • Available recall space in Kindergarten as per overflow class size guidelines.

    • Registration date.

    • Sibling enrolled in the designated home school in the previous school year.

    • Students who reside nearest to the school.

  2. If one student in a family accepts a recall offer, their sibling does not receive higher priority for recall.


3.3.1 Example

  1. Assuming the same registration date, a Kindergarten student who has an older sibling currently enrolled and who attended the designated home school in the previous school year will be recalled first. If there are two or more Kindergarten students with older siblings in the designated home school who registered on the same-day the Kindergarten overflow student who resides nearest to the school will be recalled first.


4. Responsibilities


4.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Student Accommodation: Overflow and Holding Schools procedure.


4.2 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. support principals with the accommodation of students in overflow or holding schools, as required.


4.3 Principals shall:

  1. when processing student registrations from holding areas;

    • the holding school registers all holding students in the Student Information System, and

    • the holding school assigns all holding students to the identified potential new school in the Student Information System;

  2. when processing student registrations on overflow;

    • the designated home school registers and assigns all overflow students to the designated home school in the Student Information System,

    • the designated home school records each overflow student by date stamp and number of registration,

    • the designated home school releases students to the overflow school in the Student Information System,

    • the overflow school contacts Student Transportation Services to arrange transportation as per Policy #680, Student Transportation, to the overflow school when required, and

    • in late August, the designated home school determines if overflow students can be recalled;

  3. when organizing a designated home school;

    • before students are sent to an overflow school enroll all classes to the overflow class size guidelines, and

    • combine classes across all grades to maximize the ability to accommodate designated home school enrolment as per the processes outlined in the collective agreement;

  4. when recalling overflow students;

    • make decisions regarding the recall of students in accordance with the Recall Criteria: Grade 1-8 Regular/Optional Programs or Recall Criteria: Kindergarten,

    • work with the Planning Department to determine which student lives closest to the designated home school, if required,

    • contact families to offer recall, where applicable,

    • understand that a family may choose to return to the designated home school or remain at the overflow school for the balance of the current school year, with transportation if they qualify under Board Policy and Procedure #680.0, Student Transportation,

    • understand that students on overflow who do not wish to return to their designated home school after the specified period of overflow, may apply for a transfer to the overflow school, if space is available, and will not be entitled to transportation as per Board Policy and Procedure #680.0, Student Transportation,

    • not offer a family recall twice in one school year if they have already chosen to remain at the overflow school,

    • give students returning to the designated home school from French Immersion, Gifted or Community Class programs priority over all recall of overflow, and

    • not recall students after the elementary progress report card interview date. Recall does not apply to students for the balance of the current school year if the student began attending the overflow school after the elementary progress report card interview date.

  5. when organizing a holding school;

    • enroll all classes to class size guidelines,

    • ensure a combined class exists across all grades to maximize the ability to accommodate designated home school enrolment as per the processes outlined in the collective agreement, and

    • understand that in areas under significant development, additional holding sites may be required.


4.4 Community Education Centre and Reception Centre staff members shall:

  1. for all registrations received during the summer months;

    • assign all overflow students to the designated home school in the Student Information System, and

    • assign all holding students to the identified holding school in the Student Information System.


4.5 Planning Services shall:

  1. support principals when determining which students live closest to the designated home school, when required.


4.6 Parents/guardians shall:

  1. understand that as recall spaces become available, principals will consider all children assigned to overflow and offer available spaces to families in accordance with the Recall Criteria – Grade 1-8 Regular/Optional Programs or Recall Criteria – Kindergarten;

  2. understand that they may choose to have their child return to the designated home school or remain at the overflow school for the balance of the current school year, with transportation provided they meet the eligibility requirements under Policy and Procedure #680.0, Student Transportation;

  3. understand that if an offer for recall from overflow has been declined, that the school will not offer recall a second time in the same school year;

  4. understand that if two or more siblings (including twins and multiple siblings) are on overflow and one recall space is offered;

    • parents/guardians are responsible for deciding whether they wish one of their children recalled to the designated home school or if they wish to have both children remain together at the overflow school,

    • a decision to accept the recall offer does not move their other child(ren) to high priority for recall for any future recall opportunities, and

    • if the recalled student did not attend the designated home school in the previous school year they will then not qualify as a sibling in the school as outlined in the recall criteria; and

    • understand that in areas under significant development, additional holding schools may be required.


5. Department

Education and Community Services


6.0 Procedure History

Approved December 2016

Revised: January 2021, April 2021, May 2021

Working Document: February 2014, June 2021

Revised: February 2022


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