

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

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Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Policy #261.0, Equity and Inclusivity


Executive Summary

As a Board that strives to serve all students equitably in an increasingly diverse school community, we recognize the value of ensuring equitable and inclusive learning and working environments. We also recognize our duty to protect and promote human rights and to proactively prevent discrimination in all York Region District School Board (YRDSB) learning and working environments. As a publicly funded school board, this is foundational to YRDSB’s mandate and obligations to provide equitable education services to all students within our school community and to create inclusive workplaces for our employees.

We are committed to creating and sustaining ethical, inclusive, caring and safe learning and working environments through practices that are equitable, transparent and support the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan.


On this page:


What has Changed?

Major changes to the document: Revisions to the policy reflect the Discriminatory Statements and Slurs Protocol (2022), Board Improvement and Equity Plan (2022), OCT Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racism (2021), Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy (2020), Anti-Racism Data Standards (2018), Anti-Racism Act (2017), and Ontario Education Equity Action Plan (2016), Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy (2017).

Reason for review: Four-year cyclical review and to reflect the changed legislative environment and Board commitments.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? Affected groups are listed in the Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities list below.

Implementation timelines: Immediate.

Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Associate Director of Education, Equitable Outcomes and Schools


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • Board of Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education
  • Principals, Managers and Supervisors
  • Teachers
  • All Board Employees
  • Students
  • Parent and Community Members
  • Curriculum and Instructional Services
  • Student Services
  • Leadership Development


Relationship to Board priorities

The Equity and Inclusivity Policy and Procedure supports each of the four areas of the Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan as follows:

Foster Well-Being and Mental Health

YRDSB is committed to creating and sustaining safe, healthy, and inclusive learning and working environments through practices that are equitable and transparent.

Champion Equity and Inclusivity

In developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to remove barriers to learning and working, an environment of inclusion is created.

Build Collaborative Relationships

In building trusting relationships based on respectful and responsive communication, we actively engage individuals in collaborative learning and working.

Empower Ethical Leadership

In leading ethically by focusing on students and upholding our values, we build leadership capacity and accessibility.


Timelines and Next Steps

This Policy was scheduled for first review at the May 10, 2022 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this Policy and/or Procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert through Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please:

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,

  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and

  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Policy Officer via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.


Legislative Context

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Education Act

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Ontario Human Rights Code   


Related Documents


Anti-Racism Act (2017)

Anti-Racism Data Standards (2018)

Board Improvement and Equity Plan

Discriminatory Slurs and Statements Protocol

Policy and Procedure #240.0, Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination

Policy #250.0, Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace Related Harassment – Employees

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy (2020)

Equity and Inclusivity

Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination

Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy

Conflict of Interest

Ontario Education Equity Action Plan (2016)

Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racism (Ontario College of Teachers)

Text Selection Tool


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy # 261.0 Equity and Inclusivity


1. Policy Statement

The York Region District School Board (“YRDSB” or the “Board”) is committed to student achievement and well-being, and staff diversity and inclusion by working to ensure equitable access and outcomes through accessible and inclusive learning and working environments. YRDSB is committed to fostering learning and working environments that uphold human rights and equity, are proactively anti-racist and anti-oppressive, and are welcoming, safe, equitable, inclusive, accessible and free from discrimination, oppression, harassment and harm.

YRDSB recognizes that Indigenous students, Black students, racialized students, 2SLGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and students of diverse social identities have been historically marginalized by systemic barriers and may be underserved, which may result in varying levels of underperformance, and gaps in student achievement and well-being. Systemic barriers may result in structures, policies, practices and standards that could have serious negative consequences for staff and students.

At YRDSB, we work to identify and implement strategies that create identity-affirming learning environments and agencies in order to support the well-being and academic achievement of all students. We have a collective responsibility to close gaps through explicit and deliberate actions. These actions must be grounded in human rights and the Calls to Action from the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which reflect the principles of equity and inclusive education.

In adopting this Equity and Inclusivity Policy (the “Policy”), YRDSB confirms its commitment to understanding and dismantling all forms of oppression. We are also committed to helping students and staff understand racist and oppressive ideologies and how they operate at the interpersonal, systemic, and structural levels.

YRDSB is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive learning and working environment that upholds and reflects the Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan (the “Action Plan”), and fulfills the requirements of the Action Plan. Key to achieving this goal is the ongoing collection, analysis and reporting of data from multiple sources to align resources that support our schools; identify and eliminate systemic barriers to student success; create more equitable and inclusive school environments; and improve student achievement and well-being.


1.1 Board Policies, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

All Board policies, programs, guidelines, and practices will serve staff members, students, trustees and families in all communities by incorporating the principles of equity and inclusivity into structures, policies, programs, procedures, guidelines, and practices, consistent with the principles of the Ontario Human Rights Code.


2. Application

The Policy and its related procedures outline YRDSB’s commitment to creating and maintaining equitable and inclusive learning and working environments that uphold and reflect the following Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (the “Strategy”):

Equity and inclusive education:

  1. is a foundation of excellence;

  2. meets individual needs;

  3. identifies and eliminates barriers;

  4. promotes a sense of belonging;

  5. involves the broad community;

  6. builds on and enhances previous and existing initiatives; and

  7. is demonstrated throughout the system.

This will be accomplished by aligning the following eight areas with the requirements of the Strategy.


2.1 Board Policies, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

All Board policies, programs, guidelines, and practices will work to serve staff, students, trustees, and families in all communities by incorporating the principles of equity and inclusivity into structures, policies, procedures, guidelines, programs, and practices, consistent with the principles of the Ontario Human Rights Code.


2.2 Shared and Committed Leadership

The Board will work with all educational partners to provide leadership that is responsive to the diverse nature and needs of York Region’s communities by working to identify and remove discriminatory biases and/or systemic barriers for staff, student achievement and well-being.


2.3 School Community Relationships

The Board will work to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all school communities so that the perspectives and needs of all students, families, trustees, and employees are recognized and addressed through shared and committed leadership, and positive community relationships.


2.4 Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

The Board will review curriculum and resources, instruction, and assessment/evaluation practices, and will endeavour to identify and address discriminatory biases, as part of its goal to ensure equity of opportunity and access for each student.   

The Board will work to uphold the implementation of an inclusive curriculum, supported by resources and instructional strategies, and assessment and evaluation practices that are identity-affirming and respond to the needs of the diversity of learners.


2.5 School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

The Board is committed to the principle that every person is entitled to work and learn in a respectful, positive environment, free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and exclusion.


2.6 Professional Learning

The Board will work to provide employees, students, and other members of YRDSB, including trustees, parents/guardians, visitors, contractors, third parties and others, with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviour needed to identify and eliminate discriminatory biases and systemic barriers under the Ontario Human Rights Code.


2.7 Accountability and Transparency

The Board will assess, monitor and report on the implementation of the Action Plan within YRDSB, and will work to reflect these principles into Board policies, programs, guidelines and practices.


2.8 Accommodation of Religious, Indigenous, and Spiritual Observance

The Board acknowledges the right to hold religious beliefs and practices, and to be free from discriminatory or harassing behaviour with respect to one’s religious beliefs and practices. The Board will take reasonable steps to accommodate the religious, Indigenous and spiritual observances of staff members, trustees and students, as outlined in the Board’s Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations.


3. Relationship to Board Priorities

The Board prioritizes Championing Equity and Inclusivity and Mental Health and Well-Being within its Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Director’s Action Plan. These priorities are also reflected within the Action Plan and the Strategy’s guiding principles. Connections between the Strategy and the priorities of the Board include: engaging students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members; providing equitable access to differentiated and relevant learning opportunities, resources and programs; and demonstrating professionalism and accountability for high standards of practice.

In addition, YRDSB has also prioritized closing gaps for Indigenous and Black students through its Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy and the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy (2020).


4. Application of Policy

This Policy applies to all members of YRDSB. It provides the framework for the review and Equity and Inclusivity 7 creation of YRDSB policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines, such as #240.0, Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination and Policy #250.0, Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace Related Harassment – Employees, and the Director’s Action Plan and Multi-Year Strategic Plan.

It is the expectation of YRDSB that all students, staff, trustees, parents/guardians, visitors, contractors, third parties and others invited to, visiting, using, or permitting Board property, will strive to maintain the highest level of professional and personal courtesy when interacting with all members of YRDSB’s community, in accordance with this Policy to uphold the OHRC.


5. Responsibilities


5.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. supporting the effective implementation of the equity and inclusivity policy by;

    • knowing and understanding the seven guiding principles of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy,

    • reviewing and amending all policies and the Board’s Multi-Year Plan through an equity and inclusivity lens,

    • using an equity lens to inform decisions regarding resource allocation to support the board improvement planning process, and

    • representing the views of all communities.


5.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. providing leadership to ensure a collaborative system based process in the development, implementation and/or review of all Board policies, procedures and practices through an equity and inclusivity lens by;

    • knowing and understanding the seven guiding principles of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy,

    • supporting the development, collection and use of data that will identify the needs of the diverse York Region District School Board community, and

    • supporting the use of data to inform practices that enhance and sustain equity and inclusivity; and

    • monitoring and assessing organizational compliance with this Policy.


5.3 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education are responsible for:

  1. providing leadership to ensure the effective implementation of equitable and inclusive policies, procedures, guidelines;

  2. knowing and understanding the seven guiding principles of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  3. supporting school staff in understanding, using and communicating fair, transparent and equitable practices at the individual student, classroom and school levels; and

  4. understanding the disproportionality and disparities experienced by underserved student populations and developing strategies to close these gaps

  5. implementing a process through which concerns and issues about racism, oppression, and accessibility can be identified and resolved; and

  6. providing leadership opportunities and support for district, school, classroom, and facilities staff who are reflective of the broader community.


5.4 Principals, Managers and Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. providing leadership to ensure the effective implementation of the equity and inclusivity policy;

  2. knowing and understanding the seven guiding principles of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  3. understanding, identifying, disrupting, and addressing discriminatory practices, rules, and ideologies;

  4. providing guidance on the use of educational materials that are identity-affirming and which promote equity and inclusion using the text selection tool;

  5. supporting school staff in identifying and addressing disproportionality and disparities resulting from discriminatory bias to enable equity and inclusivity in school practice;

  6. implementing Board equity and inclusivity policies, programs and action plans that reflect the needs of their diverse school communities;

  7. taking reasonable steps to provide accommodation of religious, Indigenous and spiritual observance to staff and students, as outlined in the Board’s guideline on Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations;

  8. taking reasonable steps to implement the Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy, Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy, Discriminatory Slurs and Statements Protocol;

  9. investigating incidents when they witness, learn of or experience racist or oppressive language or behaviours and participate in the investigation process to resolve the situation;

  10. leading the restoration of working relationships and the learning environment following incidents of racism or oppression;

  11. developing and implementing strategies to engage students, parents, and the broader community; and

  12. participating in the review, development, and implementation of initiatives to support and promote equity and inclusive policies and practice.


5.5 Board employees are responsible for:

  1. knowing, understanding and ensuring the effective implementation of the seven guiding principles of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  2. fostering a commitment to equity and inclusivity, as outlined in this policy and its related procedures;

  3. using inclusive and respectful language and approaches in all interactions;

  4. demonstrating a belief that all students can learn and a commitment to meeting the needs of all students in diverse ways;

  5. working to provide materials and activities that are accessible, culturally responsive and that will represent the diversity, values, backgrounds, and experiences of all;

  6. being aware of and implementing the Board’s guideline on Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations and Scheduling Events on Faith Days communication;

  7. communicating and working effectively with everyone;

  8. modeling the equity and inclusivity values and vision of the school, department and Board;

  9. working to develop a process through which concerns and issues about accessibility and discrimination can be identified and resolved;

  10. using “learning moments” to address non-inclusive, disrespectful, or discriminatory behaviours;

  11. encouraging leadership in establishing and monitoring guidelines for achieving inclusive environments;

  12. understanding that equity and inclusive principles apply to everyone; and

  13. assuming responsibility for examining and taking steps to modify behaviours that are inconsistent with equity and inclusive principles.


5.6 Students are responsible for:

  1. fostering a commitment to equity and inclusivity, as outlined in this policy and its related procedures;

  2. using inclusive and respectful language and approaches in all interactions;

  3. communicating and working effectively with everyone;

  4. modeling the equity and inclusivity values and vision of the school;

  5. participating in “learning moments” to address non-inclusive, disrespectful, or discriminatory behaviours;

  6. understanding that equity and inclusive principles apply to everyone; and

  7. assuming responsibility for examining and taking steps to modify behaviours that are inconsistent with equity and inclusive principles using Report It; add upholding the OHRC.


5.7 Parents are responsible for:

  1. fostering a commitment to supporting equitable and inclusive practices in schools;

  2. using inclusive and respectful language and approaches in all interactions;

  3. using “learning moments” to address non-inclusive, disrespectful, or discriminatory behaviours;

  4. understanding that equity and inclusive principles apply to everyone;

  5. assuming responsibility for examining and taking steps to modify behaviours that are inconsistent with equity and inclusive principles; and

  6. reporting incidents of hate and discrimination that are witnessed or experienced to the school Principal.


6. Definitions


6.1 Accessibility

A general term for the degree of ease that something (e.g., device, service, physical environment, and information) can be accessed, used, and enjoyed by persons with disabilities. The term implies conscious planning, design and/or effort to make sure something is barrier-free to persons with disabilities. Accessibility also benefits the general population, by making things more usable and practical for everyone.


6.2 Accommodation

Accommodation is a means of preventing and removing barriers that impede students from participating fully in the educational environment and workers from participating in the work environment in a way that is responsive to their own unique circumstances.


6.3 Discrimination

Unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability, as set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code, or based on other, similar factors. (Ministry of Education Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation – 2009, Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools)


6.4 Diversity

Diversity is the presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. (Ministry of Education Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation – 2009, Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools)


6.5 Equity

Equity is a condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences. (Ministry of Education Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation – 2009, Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools)


6.6 Equity

A condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all students, families and staff regardless of social and cultural backgrounds, social identities, or personal life circumstances. Equitable treatment of students means removing discriminatory barriers to teaching and learning, and to ensuring proportionate levels of support to those who need it the most, in order to improve student achievement and well-being and to close achievement gaps. Equitable treatment is not the same as equal treatment. 


6.7 Harassment

Harassment is defined in subsection 10(1) of the Ontario Human Rights Code as "engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome". 

The Ontario Human Rights Code states that every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to education and employment free from harassment because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, same-sex partnership status, family status, or disability.


6.8 Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education is based on the principle of acceptance and inclusion of all students.  Students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their physical surroundings, and the broader environment, in which diversity is honoured and all individuals are respected. (Ministry of Education Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation – 2009, Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools)

Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy

  1. is a foundation of excellence;

  2. meets individual needs;

  3. identifies and eliminates barriers;

  4. promotes a sense of belonging;

  5. involves the broad community;

  6. builds on and enhances previous and existing initiatives; and

  7. is demonstrated throughout the system.


6.9 Inclusive Education

Education that is based on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of, and respect for, students of all social and cultural backgrounds, social identities, or personal life circumstances. Through inclusive education, students see themselves reflected in their total learning environment in positive empowering ways. Each student is given fair and equal consideration in the school’s priorities and plans and has equal opportunity to participate in all school activities, and to contribute to the learning environment.


6.10 Third Parties

Third parties are defined as someone who is not a party to a lawsuit, agreement, or other interaction, but is in some way involved or affected by it; someone other than the principles to an agreement or a lawsuit.


6.11 Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment is defined as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. 

Workplace Violence (also defined in Policy # 250.0, Violence Prevention, and Intervention)

Workplace violence is:

  1. the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury;

  2. an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker; or

  3. a statement or behavior that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.


7. Contact

Inclusive School and Community Services


8. History

Approved: 2011

Working Document: July 3, 2012

Revised: April 2013

Working Document: June 2022


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Board Procedure #261.1 Equity and Inclusivity:

Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of all staff in ensuring that Equity and Inclusivity practices are incorporated into all Board policies, programs, guidelines and practices and that they are clearly aligned with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to ensure all Board policies, procedures, programs, guidelines and practices are developed and implemented in a manner that adheres to the principles of equity and inclusivity as outlined in Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.


1.2 The Associate Director of Education, Learning and Working Environments shall:

  1. ensure that and support the Board’s recruitment, hiring and promotion practices to identify and eliminate barriers with the goal of hiring of staff that are reflective of the broader community.


1.3 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure the Board’s commitment to equity and inclusivity policies, procedures, programs, guidelines and practices are communicated to staff, students, parents and community members;

  2. support schools and departments to develop and deliver the required training to ensure equitable recruitment, hiring and promotion practices that will ensure staff are reflective of the broader community;

  3. ensure that staff for whom they are responsible identify and eliminate barriers and biases in their schools and workplaces; and

  4. support the development of school and department improvement work plans that are reflective and inclusive of the Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.


1.4 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. support staff so they are able to understand and respond to the experiences of other staff, students, parents and community members through the values of fairness, equity and respect;

  2. incorporate equity objectives and inclusionary practices that acknowledge the diversity, values and experiences of the school and workplace community into all planning processes;

  3. motivate and build a collaborative working and learning environment that embeds equity and inclusivity objectives to create a positive climate;

  4. engage in equitable and inclusive employment practices to ensure that staff are reflective of the broader community;

  5. work with the school or department equity designate to support equity initiative and programs;

  6. allocate time during professional meeting agendas to address equity matters; and

  7. consider diverse methods of communication so that information shared with staff, students, parents and community members is accessible to all.


1.5 All Board employees shall:

  1. embed the Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy in all Board policies, procedures, programs, guidelines and practices consistent with their roles in the Board and congruent with Board policies and procedures.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation 


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.2 Equity and Inclusivity:

Shared and Committed Leadership

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of all staff in ensuring that equity and inclusivity practices are built in accordance with the principles of shared and committed leadership. This principle recognizes that students, parents and community members are partners in education.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to ensure that practices are in place to support all students and staff in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to implement the Equity and Inclusivity policy and procedures;

  2. ensure that a committee is responsible for the implementation and review of the Equity and Inclusivity policy and procedures; and

  3. work to establish a collaborative culture where the collective capabilities and voices of all stakeholders are used to develop and implement equity and inclusivity goals.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure that priorities and services are consistent with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  2. support staff in the development of annual plans, school improvement plans, department plans and annual reports to ensure that they address the expectations of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  3. establish selection criteria for leadership positions that includes emphasis on demonstrated, knowledge, skills and commitment to equity and inclusivity and leadership;

  4. establish a collaborative culture where the collective capabilities and voices of all stakeholders are used to develop and implement equity and inclusivity goals; and

  5. ensure equity and inclusivity practices are embedded and understood as critical to the successful implementation of performance appraisals for all staff and demonstrated through clear evidence in practice.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. ensure that the day-to-day implementation of programs are consistent with Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  2. implement strategies to include all members of the community, including those that are underserved and/or marginalized, in shared leadership;

  3. use data to identify underserved and/or marginalized groups and their needs in relation to equity and inclusivity;

  4. ensure that instructional practices and curricular content address the goals of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  5. establish a collaborative culture where the collective capabilities and voices of all stakeholders are used to develop and implement equity and inclusivity goals;

  6. promote and support staff and student leadership that reflects a commitment to inclusivity and social justice;

  7. ensure that the performance appraisals of all staff address equity and inclusivity practices as demonstrated through clear evidence;

  8. ensure that educational practices are inclusive and reflect the contributions of all dimensions of diversity and take action to identify, address and remove all forms of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination; and

  9. ensure that student-led clubs and initiatives are aware of and implement the Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.


1.4 Teachers shall:

  1. demonstrate leadership in setting the tone for the positive and proactive implementation of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy within the school;

  2. promote and support student leadership related to equity and social justice;

  3. work to ensure that educational practices are inclusive and reflect the contributions of all dimensions of diversity and take action to identify, address and remove all forms of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination;

  4. work collaboratively with staff, students, parents and other members of the school community to find new ways to actively engage students in order to increase student achievement and well-being;

  5. support student council and/or other student–led events and initiatives that address equity and inclusivity practices; and

  6. be intentional about their support of and/or selection of students invited to participate in student-led clubs and initiatives to address equity and inclusivity practices.


1.5 Student leaders shall:

  1. ensure that they represent the diversity of voices in their school community and participate respectfully and ethically in the student leadership process;

  2. create a forum for student-led clubs, councils and initiatives to work collaboratively to address equity and inclusivity practices; and

  3. model leadership related to equity and inclusion in their daily interaction with all members of the school community and by attending conferences and symposiums.


1.6 Students shall:

  1. work to improve school climate in order to ensure that the learning environment meets the needs of all students.


1.7 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. provide ongoing education and training at all levels to build capacity in implementing equity and inclusivity and leadership initiatives in schools and workplaces;

  2. work with members of the Board’s equity committees and utilize data to provide ongoing education and training for all staff in the principles of human rights and their fundamental role in an equitable and inclusive environment; and

  3. develop curriculum resources and support material for the implementation of equity and inclusivity in schools and workplaces.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #572, Leadership Development

Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.3 Equity and Inclusivity:

School Community Relationships

This procedure outlines how the Board will build system capacity to ensure that equitable and inclusive practices are built into school community relationships in order to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all communities and to meet the diverse needs of all students, families and staff.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. ensure that community partnerships support the principles of equity and inclusivity and reflect the diversity of the broader community; and

  2. allocate staff and resources to identify and remove discriminatory barriers that limit engagement of students, parents, and the community, so that diverse groups and the broader community have Board-level representation and access to Board initiatives.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. support staff for whom they are responsible to demonstrate the Board’s commitment to ensuring that community partnerships reflect the diversity of the broader community;

  2. develop and support a process to review existing community partnerships within their schools and departments to ensure that they reflect the diversity of the broader community and are in line with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy; and

  3. engage stakeholders from diverse communities in community forums that are relevant to building stronger community relationships and understanding between school and community.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. create a safe, caring and supportive learning and working environment and sense of belonging for all students, staff, parents and members of the community;

  2. implement a process to review existing community partnerships to ensure that they reflect the diversity of the boarder community;

  3. invite and expand community outreach efforts to foster new partnerships with external service agencies that engage a cross-section of diverse students, parents, staff, community members and various community organizations that also foster and support an inclusive environment;

  4. work to ensure that school councils reflect the diversity of the school community;

  5. ensure effective and appropriate communication with community partners that is accessible, including a variety of languages, as necessary;

  6. ensure students, parents and staff have access to supportive community resources as appropriate for use in schools and workplaces; and

  7. involve community groups, as appropriate, in the design and implementation of professional development programs by assessing staff needs with respect to Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.


1.4 Teachers shall:

  1. create a safe, caring and supportive learning environment and sense of belonging for all students promoting a positive home-school connection;

  2. encourage the development of partnerships with communities that reflect the many dimensions of diversity that enhance educational opportunities for all students;

  3. implement practices in the classroom that enable the diversity of student voices through instruction, self-advocacy and home-school connections;

  4. invite partnerships with parents and community members as a way to capitalize on the resources within their diverse communities to support instruction, leadership and knowledge development; and

  5. support and plan school events that are accessible and respond to the diversity in our communities.


1.5 Parents and Community Members shall:

  1. encourage their community groups to participate within the school and support school events;

  2. respond to school and system surveys, feedback forms, school council and parent engagement events to ensure diversity of voices; and

  3. identify suggestions and provide feedback to further improve school-community partnerships.


1.6 Students shall:

  1. demonstrate respect and understanding for their diverse school community;

  2. respond to system surveys, feedback forms, student council, student voice forums to ensure diversity of voices when providing suggestions and feedback to improve school-community partnerships; and

  3. share information about the school community through various means including, but not limited to, announcements, student leadership groups, with their families and community events.


1.7 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. provide training for school and system leaders to support strong and effective relationships and partnerships with the Board’s diverse communities;

  2. encourage leadership within school and department staff that represents diverse communities; and

  3. develop resources and training for all staff to explicitly share research and evidence-based strategies around parent engagement and the fostering of strong school community relationships in supporting student achievement and well-being.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation Procedure #238, Parent, Family and Community Engagement


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


Return to top

Board Procedure #261.4 Equity and Inclusivity:

Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of all staff in ensuring that the Board builds equity and inclusivity practices in curriculum implementation and instructional and assessment practices to support student learning, achievement and well-being.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the development of inclusive curriculum and assessment practices; and

  2. ensure that there is a process in place for the identification and elimination of barriers and biases in all curriculum and assessment practices.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. provide leadership in building capacity for implementing inclusive and equitable curriculum and assessment practices; and

  2. support schools in reviewing classroom strategies and school planning that promote school-wide equity and inclusivity practices.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. provide opportunities for staff to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide differentiated assessment and instructional strategies that are equitable in order to promote student achievement and well-being;

  2. commit to professional learning networks and develop the collective capacity of staff to meet the needs of all students through the lens of equity;

  3. use collaborative problem solving, with Student Services, families and community partners, that are equitable and inclusive in determining systemic approaches to prevention and intervention in response to students’ individual needs;

  4. ensure that instructional methods, materials and assessment practices are free from discrimination, accessible to all and reflect Ontario’s diversity; and

  5. network with Student Services and Plant Services regarding equitable and inclusive physical, social and curricular access within all learning environments.


1.4 Teachers shall:

  1. use a variety of assessment strategies and tools to inform short and long-range planning that is free from biases and barriers to improved student learning and achievement;

  2. use an equity and inclusivity lens to differentiate classroom practices through content, processes, products and the students’ learning environment for students;

  3. implement culturally responsive curricular materials and activities that are accessible represent the diversity, values, and backgrounds of the school community and which reflect the equity objectives and inclusive practices that have been mandated by the Board;

  4. provide a safe, caring and supportive learning environment that values individual differences and diversity and engages students and families in identifying and removing biases and barriers to student achievement and well-being; and

  5. provide instruction that is equitable and inclusive and reinforces the belief that all students can learn given the right support.


1.5 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. collaborate to ensure the principles and practices of equity and inclusive education permeate the curriculum in all subject areas;

  2. provide support and resources on the evaluation of learning materials and assessment practices ensuring instructional and assessment practices are free from biases and barriers and are in accordance with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  3. support schools’ review of classroom strategies and student achievement that promote school-wide equity and inclusivity practices;

  4. provide resources, training and supports to curricular instruction and assessment practices that are accessible, culturally responsive and represent the diversity, values, and backgrounds of Ontario’s population; and

  5. collaborate to ensure that instructional and assessment information from a variety of sources be considered to facilitate the development and learning for students with special educational needs.


2. Related Policies and Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation

Procedure #305.0, Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement Policy #572.0, Leadership Development


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.5 Equity and Inclusivity:

School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities in relation to the Board’s commitment to the principle that every person is entitled to work and/or learn in a respectful, positive working and learning environment that is free from harassment, discrimination and exclusion.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. support the expectation that all staff are responsible for the development of positive school and workplace climates, free from discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community feel safe, welcomed, and accepted;

  2. allocate staff, including an impartial third party, where applicable, and resources to develop, identify and outline a process to review and report any claims of discrimination and/or harassment that limit engagement by staff, students, parents, and community members as outlined in Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy; and

  3. establish accountability and monitoring processes to ensure continuous implementation of positive climates for learning and working environments.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. work with appropriate staff to implement practices and strategies to ensure positive school and workplace climates, free from discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community feel safe, welcomed and accepted;

  2. support the data collection related to positive school and workplace climates through the use of surveys and other tools;

  3. ensure that there is a process in place that enables students and staff to report incidents of discrimination and harassment safely and that the Board responds in an impartial, timely and appropriate manner; and

  4. work with appropriate staff to identify and eliminate discriminatory barriers that limit engagement by students, parents, teachers, school staff and the broader community in Board policies, guidelines, day-to-day operations, protocol, and practices.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. support initiatives that foster dialogue to create understanding and respect for diversity, which will foster a safe working and learning environment for all students and staff;

  2. review policies, procedures and guidelines with staff to address the prohibitive grounds of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights code as they may apply to students, staff, and community members;

  3. support staff by using effective strategies and practices to monitor, analyze and implement school and workplace climates that are free from discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community feel safe, welcomed and accepted;

  4. communicate and follow the process that enables students and staff to report incidents of harassment and discrimination safely and have confidence that they will receive an impartial, timely and appropriate response;

  5. implement strategies to identify and eliminate discriminatory barriers that limit engagement by staff, students, parents, and the broader community in Board policies, guidelines, day-to-day operations, protocol, and practices;

  6. involve community groups, as appropriate, in the design and implementation of staff development programs; and

  7. monitor and analyze the school and workplace climate through surveys and other tools in order to help identify behaviours, issues, or barriers that should be addressed.


1.4 All Staff shall:

  1. implement practices and strategies to ensure positive school and workplace climates, free from discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community feel safe, welcomed and accepted; and

  2. follow the established process that enables students and staff to report incidents of discrimination and harassment safely and that will also enable the Board to respond impartially in a timely and effective manner.


1.5 Teachers shall:

  1. support initiatives that foster dialogue to create understanding and respect for diversity, which will cultivate a positive, safe, caring and supportive learning environment for all students;

  2. ensure that educational practices are inclusive and reflect the contributions of the diverse communities and that all forms of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination are addressed; and

  3. use progressive discipline practices that are equitable and inclusive and which may include peer mediation and Restorative Practice.


1.6 Parents and Community Members shall:

  1. foster a commitment to supporting equitable and inclusive school climate; and

  2. work to ensure system accountability to provide inclusive learning and working environments that are inclusive and free of harassment and discrimination.


1.7 Students shall:

  1. understand that school climate is related to their demonstration of the Seven Guiding Principles of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy;

  2. use inclusive and respectful language and approaches in interactions with all school community members; and

  3. assume responsibility for examining and taking steps to modify behaviours that are inconsistent with equity and inclusive principles.


1.8 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. assist staff to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours required to implement Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and Board policy and procedures; and

  2. develop professional learning and training to support the implementation of practices and strategies to identify and eliminate discriminatory barriers that limit engagement by students, parents, and the broader community.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning

Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation Procedure #240, Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment Procedure #668, Safe Caring and Supportive Schools


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.6 Equity and Inclusivity:

Professional Learning

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of all staff in ensuring that the Board builds equity and inclusivity practices in the development and delivery of professional learning across the system. All members of the community will be provided with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviour needed to identify and eliminate discriminatory biases and systemic barriers.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to establish a process, with performance indicators, to monitor progress of professional learning structures to support the implementation of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and Board policy and procedures.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. support the building of capacity among staff for understanding and addressing issues that pertain to equity, diversity, and inclusivity, through collaborative learning communities and job-embedded professional learning opportunities at all levels;

  2. embed equity and inclusive learning experiences on all professional learning meeting agendas;

  3. ensure that there is a direct link to equity and inclusivity learning in Board, School and Department Improvement Plans; and

  4. engage in and seek opportunities for their own professional learning to ensure full implementation of equity and inclusivity strategies and approaches at all levels.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. use a variety of assessment tools with staff members to identify and monitor staff development needs to enhance the understanding, knowledge, skills, and competency of staff in creating equitable and inclusive school and workplace environments;

  2. develop School and Department Improvement Plans that identify professional learning goals that are aligned with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and Board policy and procedures;

  3. build staff capacity through ongoing professional learning that is equitable and inclusive and is based on needs determined through results-oriented and evidence-based research; and

  4. support programs and initiatives for professional learning that provide staff opportunities to participate in training that increases school and workplace community’s knowledge and understanding of equity and inclusivity practices.


1.4 All Staff shall:

  1. work collaboratively to review workplace strategies and professional learning plans, and revise them as needed, to ensure alignment with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy, and Board policy and procedures; and

  2. undertake ongoing professional learning initiatives that are results-oriented, evidence-based and support the development of equitable and inclusive workplace experiences that creates positive results.


1.5 Teachers shall:

  1. seek and participate in opportunities for their own professional learning to ensure full implementation of equity and inclusivity strategies and approaches throughout the school community that are results-oriented, evidence-based and support the development of equitable and inclusive learning experiences;

  2. participate in professional learning that is designed to collaboratively review classroom strategies and revise them as needed to ensure that they are aligned with and reflect school-wide equity and inclusivity policies; and

  3. participate in professional learning that is designed to use data to identify student strengths, needs and interests to inform the development of equitable and inclusive learning experiences and opportunities.


1.6 Curriculum and Instructional Services and Leadership Development shall:

  1. Use system data and feedback from equity focused teams, committees and departments to identify the professional learning and training needs of all staff;

  2. Develop and provide a variety of professional learning opportunities (including mandatory training) at all levels to build capacity among staff for understanding and addressing issues that pertain to equity, diversity and inclusivity that is tracked on a professional learning achievement plan; and

  3. ensure staff in their department seek and participate in ongoing professional learning initiatives that are results-oriented, evidence-based and support the development of equitable and inclusive learning experiences for students and staff.


2. Related Policies and Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation

Policy #572.0, Leadership Development


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.7 Equity and Inclusivity:

Accountability and Transparency

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of staff in ensuring that all Board practices are accountable and transparent and are aligned with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. This includes monitoring and reviewing Board policies, procedures, practices, guidelines and programs.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. ensure that the Board’s Equity and Inclusivity policy and related procedures are shared and communicated to all schools, workplaces and the community;

  2. ensure that the equity and inclusivity goals are embedded in the Board's planning processes;

  3. establish processes to monitor and report on the progress and ongoing organizational implementation of the Equity and Inclusivity policy, procedures and practices; and

  4. ensure that there are ongoing opportunities for the broader school community to provide input into Board policies, procedures and planning processes.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall;

  1. ensure the inclusion, implementation and monitoring of equity and inclusivity goals and strategies in School and Department Improvement Plans are in alignment with the Board’s planning processes; and

  2. ensure that incidents of harassment or discrimination are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner, and in accordance with Board policies and procedures.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. develop equity and inclusivity goals that are aligned with the Board’s planning processes;

  2. develop and implement strategies to engage students, parents and the broader school community to support and promote equity and inclusivity practices;

  3. develop and implement communication strategies to ensure all parents/guardians are informed about their child’s educational achievement and progress in a manner parents understand; and

  4. establish processes to monitor and review the effectiveness of equity and inclusivity goals and strategies identified in school and department plans.


1.4 Teachers shall:

  1. implement classroom strategies related to equity and inclusivity that are aligned with the School’s Improvement Plan;

  2. ensure that communication strategies with parents/guardians are accessible, meaningful and in a manner that parents/guardians understand; and

  3. develop strategies to ensure that all students experience personal growth and reach their full potential in academic and life paths.


1.5 Students, Parents and Community Members shall:

  1. actively engage in providing feedback and input requested by the school or Board.


1.6 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. ensure that all staff has the opportunity to access equity and inclusivity training and learning including training to uphold the protections enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights code along with Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy; and

  2. ensure that all curriculum materials are free of non-education biases, accessible to all and represent the dynamics of the Board’s multi-faceted communities by ensuring that all students see themselves represented fairly within the sub-textual narrative of the curriculum.


1.7 All staff shall:

  1. abide by Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and the Board’s Equity and Inclusivity policy and procedures;

  2. address all incidents of discrimination and harassment in a safe, timely and appropriate manner; and

  3. engage in equity education training required for their role as well as specific learning to uphold the protections enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning Procedure #261.8, Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document July 3, 2012

Approved April 2013


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Board Procedure #261.8 Equity and Inclusivity:

Religious Accommodation

This procedure outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of all staff in ensuring that religious accommodation is provided to students and staff. Religious accommodation provisions are designed to promote respectful working and learning environments. Such accommodations are carried out in the broader context of a secular public education system.


1. Responsibilities


1.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff resources to support the Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodations procedure.


1.2 Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. include, implement and monitor the Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation procedure and Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline in daily operations and planning processes;

  2. support school administrators in understanding and addressing questions regarding religious accommodation in accordance with all Board policies, procedures and guidelines;

  3. address questions regarding religious accommodation in a timely and appropriate manner, and in accordance with all Board policies, procedures and guidelines;

  4. ensure that all staff are aware of and adhere to the Scheduling of Events on Faith Days communication; and

  5. ensure that all schools, workplaces and community members are aware of the Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline.


1.3 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. communicate the Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation procedure with parents/guardians, students, staff and members of the community using Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline as a support to responding to requests;

  2. ensure that staff review and comply with the Scheduling of Events on Faith Days communication;

  3. communicate the Request for Faith Days procedure to staff;

  4. accept and monitor staff requests for absences from work for the observance of faith days in accordance with the Requests for Faith Days procedure and with collective agreements, where applicable; and

  5. ensure that responses to religious accommodation requests follow the Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline and are documented in writing.


1.4 Teachers shall:

  1. provide information to parents/guardians about the process for requesting religious accommodation in a timely and respectful manner;

  2. seek parent input and clarification about religious accommodation requests to provide appropriate programming accommodations in a timely and respectful manner;

  3. respond to religious accommodation requests in consultation with the principal; and

  4. provide appropriate programming accommodations in a timely and respectful manner using the Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline.


1.5 Students, Parents and Community Members shall:

  1. make requests for religious accommodation in accordance with the Equity and Inclusivity: Religious Accommodation procedure and the Program Accommodations for Faith Purposes: A Guideline for Religious Accommodations guideline; and

  2. make every reasonable effort to understand and respect religious accommodation requirements.


1.6 Human Resource Services shall:

  1. communicate the Request for Faith Days procedure to all staff; and

  2. share the staff list of approved faith day requests with principals.


1.7 Curriculum and Instructional Services, Leadership Development and Student Services shall:

  1. produce supporting documents and develop curriculum resources that are inclusive and accessible to assist with in-class accommodations;

  2. support schools, departments and staff through professional learning opportunities and training;

  3. work collaboratively with various academic institutions, community organizations and Board staff in the development of inclusive and accessible resources and support materials; and

  4. ensure that all regionally developed curriculum materials and resources are bias free, reviewed regularly and represent the dynamics of the Board’s multi-faceted communities by ensuring that all students see themselves represented fairly within all aspects of the curriculum.


1.8 All staff shall:

  1. abide by Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and the Board’s Equity and Inclusivity

    policy and procedures;

  2. address all requests for religious accommodation in a safe, timely and appropriate manner;

  3. engage in equity education training required for their role as well as specific learning to uphold the protections enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code;

  4. submit requests for leave for the observance of faith days in accordance with the Request for Faith Days procedure; and

  5. request religious accommodation through their principal, manager or supervisor.


2. Related Procedures

Procedure #261.1, Equity and Inclusivity: Board Policies, Procedures, Programs, Guidelines and Practices

Procedure #261.2, Equity and Inclusivity: Shared and Committed Leadership Procedure #261.3, Equity and Inclusivity: School Community Relationships

Procedure #261.4, Equity and Inclusivity: Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Practices

Procedure #261.5, Equity and Inclusivity: School and Workplace Climate and Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

Procedure #261.6, Equity and Inclusivity: Professional Learning

Procedure #261.7, Equity and Inclusivity: Accountability and Transparency


3. Department

Inclusive School and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Working Document February 2013

Approved April 2013