

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

My Pathway Planner and Secondary Online Course Selection

My Pathway Planner is an interactive Education and Career/Life Planning Tool. It supports students in exploring career options, managing online course option selection for secondary school, developing interactive portfolios of learning and planning for their initial pathway destination.

Grades 7-12+ students can log into My Pathway Planner on the YRDSB public site or on their home school webpage. On the log-in page, students will select the ‘EDU’ Domain and enter their YRDSB Student Number and Password. After successfully logging in they will be redirected to the Career/Life Planning tool.

All YRDSB students will use My Pathway Planner as their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) portfolio to support their Education and Career/Life Planning. Students from Grades 8 through 12+ will also perform their secondary school course selections through the High School tab on the My Pathway Planner site.

Secondary Online Course Selection

Step 1: Complete/review your portfolio to identify your interests, skills, learning styles and needs
Step 2: Research all of the courses and programs available to you, there are a number of pathway opportunities to meet all students interests and needs. To help you with this, please review OSSD Requirements, the Course Descriptions and P​rerequisites​, and Secondary School Programs at a Glance.
Step 3: Discuss with your guidance counsellors, teachers and parents for appropriate course and program selection
Step 4: Review the requirements for your specific program and grade, to ensure graduation requirements are met.
Step 5: Use the High School Planner in My Pathway Planner to select your courses for the next school year (standard course selection period is Jan/Feb).
Step 6: Print a copy of your course selection, have it signed by your parents, and submit to your teacher or guidance counsellor

Please note: Course availability may change after the course selection process and guidance counsellors will work with students to find suitable alternatives.

Secondary School Designation

Grade 8 Students: Where you go to school is based on your home address (found by using the School Locator) and school boundaries (attendance areas). If you are currently attending a French Immersion or Gifted program, then your My Pathway Planner and Course Option Selection tool has been set up at the secondary school offering the French Immersion or Gifted program serving your attendance area. If you do not wish to continue in either of these programs, please speak with your Grade 8 teacher, who will provide you with advice regarding your course selections.

If you are not in one of these programs, then your My Pathway Planner and Course Option Selection tool has been set up at the secondary school serving your attendance area. If you wish to attend a different secondary school, you must apply for a transfer and it must be approved by the school board.

Grade 9 -12 Students: Your My Pathway Planner and Course Option Selection tool has been set up at the secondary school you are currently attending. If you wish to attend a different secondary school, you must apply for a transfer and it must be approved by the school board.