

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Centre for Black Student Excellence Newsletter - June 2023

Upcoming Community Events and Announcements

Black Foundation of Community Networks (BFCN) Scholarships and Awards 

The 2023-2024 BFCN Scholarships & Awards application process is now live. Learn more about the BFCN Scholarship Program and access the online applications for the BFCN 12th Annual Scholarships and the BFCN 9th Annual Aim 2 Achieve Awards. All online applications and supporting documents must be submitted by July 31, 2023. 

This year BFCN will be awarding six (6) $1000 scholarships and awards. We will be once again awarding two scholarships to Black students pursuing graduate studies in addition to Black students pursuing undergraduate studies at accredited Canadian institutions.

BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop

Friday, June 2, 2023 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

BFCN will be hosting an online edition of the BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop for Black students and their families on 

Join the application workshop 

BFCN Scholarship Directory

Access the BFCN 2023 Scholarship Directory! If you know of any scholarships that we've missed, please fill out this form.

York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities (YRAAC): Sankofa Summer Programs

Come join us most Saturdays for family fun /food/games, African Drumming, and workshops to bring our community together.

Dates: Most Saturdays June 9 to  September 9, 2023

Times: 9:45 am to 1 pm, In person sunshine or rain

Location: Safety Village, 3291 Stouffville Rd, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5

The activities include much more:

  • Fun, food, face painting and games

  • Cooking Session (Jollof Rice, Jerk Chicken and Puff Puff)

  • Artificial Intelligence Workshop

  • All-day trip to a historical site to learn about Black History in Ontario

  • Safety in our neighbourhoods (conversations with YRP and CAS)

  • Arts and crafts, performances and kite making.

  • Wellness – promoting healthy family relationships.

  • Family day picnic/Fall program launch

Register Now! 

Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association (MACCA) 2023 Scholarships

Our signature event is our Annual Scholarship Awards Gala and presentation, where we present scholarships to students in York Region demonstrating academic excellence and outstanding community engagement. Since our inception, we have provided 325 scholarships to the brightest students of African/Caribbean descent in York Region valued at over $300,000.

Each year MACCA provides scholarships to our students graduating high-school and going into a post-secondary program.

Applications for 2023 are now open. Fill out your application today. A complete application should be mailed to MACCA by Friday June 30, 2023. 

For more information on future scholarships OR to find out how you can donate a scholarship contact info@macca1987.com or call (905) 946-9998. 

Fill out your application today. 

The Alliance of Educators for Black Students (AEBS) Family Conference

Family conference in the fall aims to inspire and celebrate Black joy and excellence while co-creating with students, families, and caregivers meaningful strategies to help effectively navigate the Ontario education system. We look forward to seeing our AEBS families, community members, and students at this event. To better support your needs, we are seeking your input. Kindly take 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey. All information provided will be held in confidence and will be used by the planning committee to inform our conference programming. We thank you in advance for your support!

Complete Survey!