

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Champion Equity and Inclusivity

Multi-Year Strategic Priority: Champion Equity and Inclusivity

We develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to remove barriers in support of all learners.


Director's Action Plan Goal

To raise the achievement and well-being of our underserved and underperforming students, we will

2. Build a collective understanding of:

Decorative icon


School Classroom and Workplace

Key Actions (2018-19)


Look Fors

2.1 Staff develop an understanding of how social identity and social location are constructed and impact school and system practices.

  • Participating in professional learning opportunities about how social identity and social location are constructed and impact school and system practices.
  • Reflecting on how their own social identity and social location inform and influence their work.
  • Beginning to co-construct learning, knowledge, and spaces that affirm students’ identities.
  • Actively changing their practices to support creating inclusive schools, classrooms and workplaces.
​2.2 Staff develop an understanding about historically and currently marginalized communities.
  • Engaging in learning about marginalization and its impact, both historically and currently.
  • Learning about oppressive structures and practices and the ongoing impact of colonialism on Indigenous communities.
  • Using available data including student voice to actively seek information about their marginalized students in order to inform program planning and instructional practice.
  • Demonstrating understanding of the importance of knowing their learners through CRRP.
​2.3 Staff develop an understanding of how power and privilege operate in schools and workplaces to advantage some and disadvantage others.
  • Participating in professional learning about power and privilege.
  • Reflecting on how power, privilege and bias operate in schools and workplaces to advantage some and disadvantage others.
  • Reviewing existing policies, programs and practices in order to identify and address inequities.
  • Beginning to identify and disrupt barriers to learning (e.g., using the Responding to Discrimination Pocket Guide).





Key Actions (2018-19)

Look Fors

2.4 Senior System Leaders and Trustees develop an understanding of how social identity and social location are constructed and impact school and system practices.

  • Engaging in professional learning to develop an understanding of how social identity and social location are constructed and impact school and system practices.

  • Acknowledging racism is experienced differently by various racialized groups and within groups along intersectional lines (e.g., gender identity, creed, class, sexual orientation, history of colonization)
  • Using an anti-oppressive approach to decision-making.
  • Demonstrating increased awareness of experiences of marginalization and existing oppressive educational practices.
2.5 Senior System Leaders and Trustees develop an understanding of how power and privilege operate in schools and workplaces to advantage some and disadvantage others.
  • ​Engaging in professional learning about power, privilege, colonialism and anti-oppression within an educational context.
  • Considering the ongoing impact of colonialism on Indigenous communities.
  • Dismantling existing oppressive practices and structures by using their understanding of how power and privilege operate to create and maintain inequities.
  • Engaging in learning about the Two Row Wampum as part of understanding the relationship between settlers and Indigenous communities.
  • Reviewing existing Board policies, programs and practices in order to identify and address inequities.



3. Provide comprehensive math programs that reflect students’ identities, lived experiences, needs and interests.



School Classroom and Workplace

Key Actions (2018-19)

Look Fors

3.1 Implement a Comprehensive Math Program (CMP) reflective of the interconnectedness of the Environment, the Learners and the Learning (BIPSA Math).

  • All schools participate in math learning networks which focus on the interconnectedness of the Environment, the Learners and the Learning.

  • Math classrooms exhibit the interconnectedness of the Environment, the Learners, and the Learning.
  • The physical space is organized to allow students to work together and the learning is designed to promote collaboration and a positive attitude toward math.
  • Instruction and assessment practices are informed by students’ identities, lived experiences, needs, and interests.
  • Educators design math learning so that problem solving is central to the development of fundamental concepts and skills.
  • Educators support conversations with families about math learning using the updated math page on the public site.





Key Actions (2018-19)

Look Fors

3.2 Support educators in using students’ social identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs, and interests to plan, teach and assess within a CMP.


  • Learning sessions occur with system leaders and educators to understand how to use students’ social identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs and interests to plan, teach, and assess within a CMP.

  • Learning sessions occur with system leaders and educators which include connections between the Ministry’s Fundamentals of Math and a CMP.

  • Resources are developed to support educators to better understand and use Understanding Learning Disabilities: How Processing Affects Mathematics Learning.

  • A tool is created for schools to collect and use data to support the implementation of a CMP.

  • Educators are using students’ social identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs, and interests to plan, teach, and assess within a CMP.