

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Educational Resources

Barrier-Free Education Initiatives Project​ 
Canadian Hearing Society

The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) developed the Barrier-Free Education Initiatives Project to support the Ontario public school boards in creating more accessible learning environments for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing. As part of the project, CHS developed a framework based on five building blocks for language accessibility: 1) the built environment, 2) access to information, 3) language access, 4) technology, and 5) education and training. The five building blocks inform various learning materials created by CHS specifically for Ontario educators, including a classroom accessibility guide, a mental health guide and webinars for educators.​​​

​​Ontario150 Children's Books on Accessibility 
Publications Ontario, 2018

In 2018, Publications Ontario partnered with the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work to publish a 3-book series for children that focus on acceptance and accessibility. Public libraries and school boards in Ontario can order up to 5 copies of the book series for free. Print, digital, accessible and braille versions are available in English and French upon request.

Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities 
Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2018

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) published the Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities in March 2018 to reaffirm the rights and responsibilities of education providers under the Human Rights Code. This OHRC policy replaces the 2004 Guidelines on Accessible Education with updated research evidence, case law and legislation to better inform and support the work of education providers.

The Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities addresses the social model of disability, the various forms of discrimination, and then focu​ses on the duty to accommodate and undue hardship. The policy concludes with comprehensive list of recommendations for the government of Ontario (15), school boards (8) and post-secondary institutions (6) to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities.​​

ReelAbilities Film Festival

The ReelEducation program provides free film kits for educators and administrators to teach students about accessibility, inclusion, universal design, mental health and stereotypes, as well as attitudinal barriers. A variety of grade-appropriate films are available to request with a film kits that includes an accessible format lesson plan and a digital copy of the film with open captions.

Rick Hansen Foundation School Program 
Rick Hansen Foundation

The Rick Hansen Foundation School Program offers free educational resources and toolkits to support the diverse learning needs of students (grades K-12) as well as improve accessibility and inclusion within classrooms and school communities. Although located out of British Columbia, the Rick Hansen Foundation have aligned their school program resources and learning materials to curriculum and education priorities in Ontario.

The Rick Hansen Foundation School Program was developed by educators for educators, who are encouraged to explore their toolkits to empower students to become inclusion leaders and accessibility champions.​

The TeachAble Project 
Ontario Education Services Corporation

The TeachAble Project is designed to help Ontario educators and school board staff build their awareness of accessibility issues, as well as to equip them with the information and materials they need to educate and inspire students. The Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team of teachers from across the province in 2011 to develop professional development tools and curriculum resources to support accessibility​ in teaching and learning.

The TeachAble​​ Project website was relaunched in 2017-2018 schools year and includes informational videos, lesson plans and other resources developed for a range of grade levels and based on Ontario curriculum expectations.​

A Way with Words and Images: Suggestions for the Portrayal of People with Disabilities 
Government of Canada, 2013

Employment and Social Development Canada developed a resource booklet to promote a fair and accurate portrayal of people with disabilities. It recommends current and appropriate technology and images that relates to people with disabilities. The booklet was developed in consultation with over a dozen national disability-related organizations.​​​​​​