Learning to manage your time well is critical to your success as a student. It is important for you to make use of an agenda or electronic calendar to balance your school work, assignments, and your extra-curricular and social activities. By making use of a calendar, you will ensure that you are on time with assignments and prepared for any tests or quizzes that your teachers have scheduled.

- Decide which method works best for you: an agenda book or an electronic calendar and use it consistently.
- Review your course outline and document assignment, test and exam dates.
- Consistently record your daily homework, assignment due dates and any scheduled tests, quizzes and exams. Make sure that you add your extra-curricular activities.
- Take time each week to review what is coming up the next week and schedule homework time, study time and personal time. Ask yourself, “what are my goals for the week?”
- Prioritize your things to do based on their due dates and importance.
- Have a tough task to do? Don’t procrastinate. If the task looks overwhelming, use the Swiss Cheese Principle: bite off small holes in the block.
- Remember to take time for you as well to avoid getting “stressed out”!, exercise, extra-curricular activities, friends and sleep.