The Paris Chamber of Commerce, a group of American businesses based in Paris, made this leaflet. From 1915-1919 they produced leaflets every two weeks. It kept students, like the one who owned the textbook this was found in, informed about what was going on in Europe.

Facts about the War
A Bulletin of Information
Published in the Paris Chamber of Commerce
Paris, January 1916. , Angl. — N° 28.
General Joffre’s Proclamation to the French Armies. — The Bulletin des Armées publishes the following Proclamation issued by the Commander—in-Chief of the French armies to his troops on the occasion of the New Year.
Soldiers of the Republic,
Now that this year of war is ‘drawing to a close, you may con- template your work with pride, and estimate the greatness of the effort you have achieved.
In Artois, Champagne, Voivre, and the Vosges, you have brilliantly repulsed the enemy, and inflicted upon him severe losses, which were beyond all comparison greater than our own.
The German army still holds out, but it sees its effective forces and resources diminishing daily.
Being obliged to support Austria's failing strength, Germany is compelled to seek for some easy and temporary success upon the secondary scenes of war, having renounced the achievement of any upon the principal Fronts.
All Germany’s’ colonies are either isolated from the rest of the world, or are in our own hands. “ On the other hand, the Allies are growing stronger and stronger every day.
As they have the command of the seas, it is easy for them to obtain supplies, whereas the Central Empires, exhausted from an economic and financial point of view, are now driven to depending upon our being at variance amongst ourselves, or upon our growing weary of the war.
As if the Allies, who have sworn to fight on to the bitter end, would be inclined to break their oath just when the day of reckoning was dawning for Germany!
As if the soldiers who have done so much severe fighting were not equal to facing mud and cold! Let us be proud of our strength and of our Right.
Let us not dwell upon the past unless to seek therein reasons for confidence in the Future!
Let us not mourn for our dead without vowing to avenge them! While our enemies talk of Peace, let us think of nothing but the war and victory.