

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

K-12 Engagement Platform Resources - Edsby

​In order to help our families best use our K-12 Engagement Platform with Edsby, we have developed a series of resources and frequently asked questions to assist in navigating the platform.​​​

Edsby K-12 Engagement Platform Resources

Edsby Resources​

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about Edsby. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact your school office.

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  • 01. What Is Edsby?
    • Edsby is a cloud-based platform that will let families see what’s happening with your child at school, and helps you play a more active part in your child’s education.

      Edsby offers many different features that YRDSB will be rolling out over the next several years, including:

      - Booking appointments for Parent-Teacher Interviews/Student-Led Conferences

      - Reporting absences

      - Following school events and news

      - Seeing recently posted notes, journals, or assignments from classes

      - Accessing your child’s schedule (including scheduled classes, assignments and group/school/class/personal events)

      Please note that the availability of these features may differ from school to school as staff begin to use the Edsby platform.

      YRDSB has partnered with Edsby to provide parents with a secure platform that provides opportunities for families to engage with their school communities.

  • 02. How do I access Edsby?
    • Schools using Edsby will send a letter to families to let them know they will be getting an email invitation from York Region District School Board to join Edsby. The invitation will include a link to create an Edsby account. Once your account is setup, you will be able to access Edsby online or with their downloadable app using http://yrdsb.edsby.com.

      If your school is using Edsby, and you do not have an account, please contact your school office.

  • 03. How do I create an Edsby Account
    • To create an account, an invitation from the York Region District School Board will be sent to the current email address that the school office has on record with your child’s information. Please note that not all schools are currently using Edsby. If you have questions about your school’s, please contact your school office.

      If you are registering your child for a program, such as Summer Institute or International Baccalaureate, additional instructions will be provided.

  • 04. What do I do if I forget my username?
    • Your Edsby username is your full email address that you provided to your child’s school. If you forgot your username or changed your username, you will need to contact your child’s school to verify the email address on file.

  • 05. What do I do if I forgot my password?
    • Go to the Edsby login page https://yrdsb.edsby.com and click “Can’t log in” at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted to enter your username (full email address). A temporary password will be sent to your email address and you will be asked to create a new one.

  • 06. How do I change my password?
    • Once logged into your Edsby account click on “Account Settings” and click then click on “Password” and then click on “Change”. You will be asked to enter your old password and then enter your new password and click “Save”.

  • 07. How do I update my contact information? (ie: new email address, home address etc)
    • To update your contact information, please contact your child’s school office. Please make sure your school has updated contact information.

  • 08. I want to report an absence for more than one child. How do I do that?
    • You can report an absence for one child at a time. If you have more than one child, you can report an absence for each one separately.

      If you have more than one child or a child(ren) at other schools, you may receive a separate invitation for those students. When you select the link in the email, you will select “I have an Edsby account” and enter your login and password. Your children will be added to your account. As long as you are using the same email address, your children should all appear. If a child is missing, contact the school of the child that you are unable to see.

  • 09. How do I cancel or edit my absence submission?
    • If you need to change or cancel an absence that you have submitted through Edsby, please contact the school office.

  • 10. How do I know the school has received my attendance submission?
    • Once you report an absence and click on “send to office,” your child’s school will receive notification of the absence. The Recent Activity section shows all planned absences, so you can confirm that it has been submitted.

      You can also set up notifications to receive a message once your child’s absence has been confirmed by the school office, shortly after the start of the school day.

  • 11. What do I do if I accidentally decline the invitation from my child’s school?
    • You will need to contact your child’s school so they may issue a new invitation to your email address.

  • 12. Why can I not see my other child(ren) or messages from their school(s)?
    • If you have more than one child or a child(ren) at other schools, you may receive a separate invitation for those students. When you select the link in the email, you will select “I have an Edsby account” and enter your login and password. Your children will be added to your account. As long as you are using the same email address, your children should all appear. If a child is missing, contact the school of the child that you are unable to see.

  • 13. What to do if I already have an Edsby account and I receive another invite?
    • If you have more than one child or a child(ren) at other schools, you may receive a separate invitation for those students. When you select the link in the email, you will select “I have an Edsby account” and enter your login and password. Your children will be added to your account. As long as you are using the same email address, your children should all appear. If a child is missing, contact the school of the child that you are unable to see.

      If you already have an Edsby account for your child(ren), you do not need to accept another invitation.

  • 14. What can I do if I do not see the invitation in my email inbox?
    • Check your junk mail and/or mail settings for an email issued from YRDSB. Your email address on file at your child’s school must match the email address for Edsby. If they do not match, contact your child’s school to reissue an invitation. Updates to email addresses for using Edsby take 24 hours.

  • 15. Why does my Edsby account not show correctly on my screen?
    • Make sure to enable cookies and JavaScript on your browser (consult the help section of your browser). Edsby supports Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

  • 16. Why am I Getting the Error Message - Username already in use.
    • If you already have an Edsby account and receive additional invitations to join Edsby, please login with “I already have an Edsby account” from the login screen and enter the username and password you have previously created.
