

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Policy and Procedure #669.0, Emergency Preparedness

This policy and procedures outline the responsibilities of staff at York Region District School Board (YRDSB) to assist in the management of an emergency at a school or work location. YRDSB is committed to ensuring the safety of students and staff in the event of an emergency situation.

On this page:

  • Policy #669.0, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management

  • Procedure #669.1, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management

  • Procedure #669.2, Fire Safety Plan Updating and Drills, School Sites

  • Procedure #669.3, Lockdown, School Sites

  • Procedure #669.4, Hold-and-Secure, School Sites

  • Procedure #669.5, Bomb Threat, School Sites


What has Changed?

Major changes to the document: New policy and procedures.

Reason for review: Due for review.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholders with responsibilities below.

Implementation timelines: Immediate.

Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Superintendent of Education, Caring and Safe Schools and International Education.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure

  • Board of Trustees

  • Director of Education

  • Superintendents

  • School Staff

  • Students

  • Any other relevant stakeholders  


Relationship to Board Priorities

Foster Well-Being and Mental Health and Building Collaborative Relationships.


Timelines and Next Steps

This policy was scheduled for first review at the May 9, 2023 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:       

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officer via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.



Education and Community Services


Legislative Context

Education Act

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Ontario Regulation 298 - Operation of Schools, s. 6; s. 11

Regulation 454 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Fire Code)


Related Documents

Provincial model for a local police or school board protocol

Police and School Boards Protocol

Emergency preparedness guide for people with disabilities


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy #669.0, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management



1. Policy Statement

The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to ensuring the safety of students, staff, building occupants and visitors in the event of an emergency situation. The goal of this policy is to provide information related to a range of emergencies to enable staff to adapt and modify procedures as needed, depending on the unique nature of the emergency.


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, and building occupants.       


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing Policy and Procedure #669.0, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management  in accordance with the priorities and the approved policy review cycle; and

  2. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management policy, as required.


3.2. The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing and operationalizing Policy and Procedure #669.0, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management; and

  2. allocating staff and resources to support the procedures within Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management.


4. Definitions


4.1 Emergency Preparedness

The YRDSB acknowledges that the safety of staff, students and building occupants is of prime importance and all necessary steps will be taken to protect their welfare in an emergency situation. An emergency is defined as a situation in which the normal operations of the school or work location cannot continue and/or where student, staff safety and building occupants is brought into question.

In keeping with school board and Ministry policies, every school and worksite will maintain and update as necessary an emergency management plan. Each plan must address lockdown, hold and secure, bomb threat requirements and contain a copy of the school’s approved Fire Safety Plan. It is the responsibility of each school principal/manager to ensure adequate preparations are made to respond in an organized and expeditious manner in the event of an emergency situation. All persons in a Board building must take part in emergency drills.


5. Contact

Education and Community Services


6. History

Replaces Policy: #217.0, Emergency and Crisis Management

Approved: 2009

Formerly Procedure: #NP217.0, Emergency Preparedness

Working Document: July 2013, July 2018

Revised: February 2014, June 2019

Formerly located in Policy #668.0, Caring and Safe Schools, replaced Procedure #668.6, Emergency Preparedness

Working Document: June 2023


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Board Procedure #669.1, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management


1. Policy Statement

This procedure outlines the responsibilities of individuals to assist in the management of an emergency at a school or work location.


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, and other building occupants.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management procedure.


3.2 The Associate Directors of Education shall:

  1. ensure organizational structures are in place to respond to an emergency in the Board; and

  2. provide appropriate resources to support schools and work locations to implement and communicate emergency preparedness and crisis management plans.


3.3 The Superintendents of Education, School and System Operations shall:

  1. coordinate the development and revision of the emergency preparedness and crisis management resources;

  2. coordinate training and provide support, as required; and

  3. liaise with public authorities and agencies charged with emergency response.


3.4 Plant Services shall:

  1. ensure organizational structures are in place in Plant Services to respond to an emergency;

  2. support superintendents, principals and managers in an emergency; and

  3. cooperate with public authorities and agencies charged with emergency response.


3.5 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure organizational structures are in place to respond to an emergency in schools or work locations;

  2. support school and work locations in the development and communication of emergency preparedness and crisis management plans;

  3. cooperate with public authorities and agencies charged with emergency response; and

  4. liaise with Corporate Communications, principals and/or managers to develop a communication plan during and after an emergency.


3.6 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:

  1. call 911 in an emergency;

  2. maintain familiarity with emergency preparedness and crisis management resources;

  3. develop and maintain an emergency preparedness and crisis management plan;

  4. maintain printed demographic lists of enrolled students with parent/guardian emergency contacts which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  5. ensure staff have class lists, with up to date attendance information, which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  6. ensure the emergency evacuation kit is maintained and brought during an evacuation;

  7. ensure building occupants are familiar with their emergency preparedness and crisis management responsibilities;

  8. cooperate with public authorities and agencies charged with emergency response;

  9. call the Superintendent and Corporate Communications in an emergency;

  10. refer to Emergency Preparedness Communication Flowchart for staff;

  11. work with Corporate Communications to develop a communication strategy in order for the school or work location to return to normal operations as soon as possible;

  12. communicate to staff any emergency preparedness and crisis management activities; and

  13. debrief with staff and consider any additional support that may be required for students and/or staff.


3.7 Corporate Communications shall:

  1. notify the Director of Education, Associate Director(s) of Education, Chair of the Board, local Trustee(s), and any other required staff of an emergency;

  2. support strategic communications at the emergency site or remotely as required; and

  3. assist in developing a communication strategy in order for the school or work location to return to normal operations as soon as possible.


3.8 All Building Occupants shall:

  1. be familiar with their emergency preparedness and crisis management responsibilities; and

  2. follow emergency preparedness and crisis management procedures in an emergency.


4. Definitions


4.1 Building Occupants

Building Occupants include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. staff;

  2. visitors;

  3. parents/guardians;

  4. external service providers/contractors/trade persons/bus drivers;

  5. inspectors/officers (Police, Ministry of Labour, Fire Department, Paramedics, Municipal);

  6. child care staff (full-day and before-and-after programs);

  7. lease/permit holders; and

  8. shared-use/multi-use groups.


4.2 Emergency

Emergency is defined as a situation in which the normal operations of the school or work location cannot continue and/or where the safety of students, staff and building occupants is brought into question. Some examples may include:

  1. serious health issue such as, but not limited to, severe student or staff injury, communicable disease or anaphylactic reaction;

  2. catastrophic event such as, but not limited to fire, flood, explosion, tornado or hurricane;

  3. serious environmental or other emergency concerns impacting building life safety systems such as, but not limited to, power failure, air quality concern, natural gas leak, prolonged power failure and water outages, Board-wide cyberattacks or catastrophic chemical spill;

  4. lockdown or hold-and-secure such as, but not limited to, a serious threat or act of violence;

  5. missing student(s);

  6. bomb threat;

  7. bus accident where serious injuries are sustained;

  8. serious vandalism such as, but not limited to, hate graffiti or major damage to property;

  9. death on school property or at a school-related activity; and

  10. demonstrations that compromises safety.


5. Contact

Education and Community Services


6. History

Drafted: June 2023


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Board Procedure #669.2, Fire Safety Plan Updating and Drills, School Sites


1. Policy Statement

This procedure outlines the responsibilities of individuals to assist in the management of an emergency at a school or work location. 


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, and building occupants. 


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Fire Safety Plan Updating and Drills, School Sites procedure.


3.2 Human Resource Services, Health and Safety staff members shall:

  1. keep a copy of all fire safety plans;

  2. liaise with principals to develop fire safety plans and submit them to local fire departments for approval;

  3. provide two copies of approved fire safety plans to schools; and

  4. make available the most recent copy of each fire safety plan document.


3.3 Plant Services staff members shall:

  1. provide training for principals and caretaking staff in fire safety;

  2. provide and update all drawings required for fire safety plan documents;

  3. provide schools with fire evacuation chairs, training on use and signage for emergency refuge areas; and

  4. ensure life safety and fire protection equipment checks, inspections, or tests are completed and records are readily available for review by the local fire department upon request.


3.4 Administrative and Legal Services shall:

  1. ensure permit holders are aware of, and follow all requirements for, permit holders outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.


3.5 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure that principals follow this procedure and comply with the Ontario Fire Code;

  2. ensure that principals designate primary and secondary alternate locations for students and staff members to be used during evacuation when necessary; and

  3. ensure that a record of evacuation locations is maintained in the Community Education Centre and that a copy is forwarded to the Superintendent of Education, School and Systems Operations, Plant and Planning Services, Education and Community Services and Senior Managers of Administrative and Legal Services and Corporate Communications.


3.6 Principals shall:

  1. review fire safety with staff members and students at the beginning of every school year;

  2. schedule and maintain a record of six fire drills each year (one fall term or semester drill should be held during the lunch hour), three per term or semester a minimum of three weeks apart, recognizing that one unplanned fire evacuation per semester may count;

  3. if acting as a night school principal, ensure three fire drill are conducted each semester and maintain a record;

  4. if acting as a summer school principal, ensure one fire drill is conducted each month during the period the program is in session and maintain a record;

  5. designate and annually confirm the evacuation locations for the school site;

  6. maintain the fire safety plan in the main office in a clearly marked location or fire safety plan box located at the main entrance, as appropriate, allowing emergency responders access during events when the building is not occupied;

  7. ensure that a second copy of the Fire Safety Plan binder is kept in the caretaker’s office;

  8. update the Fire Safety Plan annually and as required, in accordance with the Fire Plan Update Guide at the beginning of each school year and as required including, but not limited to, emergency contact information and student and staff member evacuation plans;

  9. provide parents and/or guardians with access to their child’s evacuation plan;

  10. forward an electronic copy of the Fire Safety Plan to Health and Safety each time changes are made, as required;

  11. work with caretaking staff members to determine the nearest emergency exits for each classroom and two emergency refuge areas for the school and ensure they are clearly identified using Board approved signage (emergency refuge areas must be designated in consultation with the local fire department);

  12. maintain printed demographic lists of enrolled students with parent/guardian emergency contacts which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  13. ensure staff have class lists which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  14. ensure a written evacuation plan is developed for any persons (adult/student) requiring assistance during an evacuation, that staff supporting are trained in use of an evacuation chair, and the evacuation plan is included in Section 4 of the Fire Safety Plan;

  15. cooperate with a Fire Prevention Officer visiting the school by sharing the Fire Safety Plan and holding a fire drill, if requested;      

  16. ensure a copy of the Fire Prevention Officer Inspection Report is forwarded to Health and Safety and Plant Services;

  17. communicate with parents and/or guardians that footwear should be provided for students to wear inside; and

  18. work with the Supervisor of Facility Services and caretaking staff during a fire protection system malfunction to initiate a fire watch.


3.7 Child Care and Before and After School Providers shall:

  1. hold fire drills monthly; and

  2. understand that participation in the school’s fire drills counts as part of their fire drill requirements.


3.8 Staff Members shall:

  1. pull the fire alarm in the event of a fire;

  2. follow the fire safety plan for the emergency evacuation of all students and any written evacuation plan for a student requiring assistance during an evacuation;

  3. communicate to students that footwear should be worn at all times;

  4. participate in all fire drills regardless of timetabling;

  5. not re-enter the building until cleared by the principal or person in charge/fire department; and

  6. follow the fire hazard prevention practices outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.


3.9 Students shall:

  1. only pull the fire alarm in the event of a fire;

  2. understand that misuse of the fire alarm may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or expulsion;

  3. wear footwear at all times; and

  4. follow instructions during the evacuation of the building.


3.10 Building Occupants shall:

  1. pull the fire alarm in the event of a fire;
  2. participate in all fire drills;
  3. follow instructions during the evacuation of the building; and
  4. not re-enter the building until cleared by the principal or person in charge/fire department.


3.11 Permit Holders shall:

  1. follow all the requirements for permit holders as outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.


4. Definitions


4.1 Fire Drill

A planned and monitored exercise intended to train staff and students on procedures and responsibilities to safely evacuate the building during a fire emergency. Schools must hold fire drills three times in each term or semester during the school year.


4.2 Emergency Refuge Area

An identified location in the school for temporary student and staff member refuge. This is a staging area intended for use by students and staff members who require assistance to exit the building during a fire emergency. These areas are clearly signed and identified in the school fire plan.


4.3  Evacuation Plan for Persons Needing Assistance

Everyone needing assistance to evacuate during a fire emergency must have a written Evacuation Plan. The plan must be developed using the Emergency Evacuation Plan for either students or adults. A copy of each plan must be placed in Section 4 of the office Fire Safety Binder.


4.4 Fire Watch

When any fire protection equipment or system is not functioning, a Fire Watch must be implemented until the problem is rectified.

Building Occupants include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. staff;

  2. visitors;

  3. parents/guardians;

  4. external service providers/contractors/trade persons/bus drivers;

  5. inspectors/officers (Police, Ministry of Labour, Fire Department, Paramedics, Municipal);

  6. child care staff (full-day and before-and-after programs);

  7. lease/permit holders; and

  8. shared-use/multi-use groups.


5. Contact

Health and Safety, Human Resource Services


6. History

Drafted: February 2023


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Board Procedure #669.3, Lockdown, School Sites


1. Policy Statement

This procedure outlines the responsibilities and required actions of staff and others with respect to lockdown.


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, and building occupants.      


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Lockdown, School Sites procedure.


3.2 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure all school administrators have developed a site-specific lockdown plan;

  2. ensure Corporate Communications are made aware of all lockdowns; and

  3. remain available by phone to school staff during a lockdown.


3.3 Principals shall:


3.3.1 In preparing for a Lockdown:

  1. establish and maintain an Emergency Response Team (ERT) with representatives from the various employee groups in the school;

  2. lead ERT to develop a site-specific plan for lockdown;

  3. engage childcare staff and other daytime school user groups and shared/multi-use groups in the development of the lockdown plan and related training; 

  4. encourage staff to keep classroom doors/portable doors locked in preparation for an actual occurrence;

  5. ensure the lockdown plan includes procedures for students and staff participating:

    • in activities outside the school building (i.e., on buses, field activities, recess, trips, sporting events, etc.),

    • in hallways and washrooms,

  6. ensure students and staff are trained in lockdown procedures; 

  7. ensure daytime user groups/tenants and daycare operators have direct lines of communication with the main office;

  8. ensure the Public Address (PA) system and cameras are maintained in good repair;

  9. ensure that the lockdown plan includes family reunification locations and procedures; 

  10. conduct a minimum of two lockdown drills per year (early in Semester/Term 1 and again early in Semester/Term 2);

  11. communicate information concerning the school lockdown plan to parents/guardians through school newsletters, School Council and the school website; and

  12. ensure adherence to Policy #280.0, Volunteers in our Schools.


3.3.2 During the Lockdown:

  1. push the lockdown button or announce the lockdown using the PA system by reading the scripted lockdown message (“Attention, Attention, Attention – we are in Lockdown.  Follow Lockdown procedures.”  Repeat a number of times.);

  2. communicate lockdown with those in parts of the school building/exterior building/persons outside of the building without access to the PA system or where the announcement may not be heard by using other planned methods (cell phone, handheld communicators – walkie-talkies, coded visual signals, etc.);

  3. call 911; 

  4. notify the Superintendent;

  5. notify daytime user groups/tenants and daycare operators of the lockdown;

  6. ensure staff close windows, draw blinds and lock doors;

  7. advise staff supervising off-site activities of the lockdown by phone;

  8. follow direction of police upon arrival;

  9. announce the lifting of the lockdown when advised to do so by police; and

  10. notify daytime user groups/tenants and childcare operators that the lockdown has ended when advised to do so by police.


3.3.3 Following the Lockdown:

  1. complete and retain a lockdown report for each lockdown or lockdown drill held in the school;

  2. notify parents of any specific lockdown after conclusion of the incident with support from Corporate Communications; and

  3. debrief with staff and consider any additional support that may be required for students and/or staff.


3.4 Corporate Communications shall:

  1. liaise with York Regional Police during the lockdown; 

  2. advise the superintendent and principal concerning the status of the emergency, as reported by police;

  3. provide communications support during and after the lockdown;

  4. ensure Student Transportation Services staff are made aware of the lockdown, as required;

  5. notify Administrative Services;

  6. notify the Director and/or Associate Directors, Superintendent of Education, Caring and Safe Schools, Superintendent of Education, School and System Operations, Manager of Health and Safety;

  7. assist in developing communication to be sent by the school to the community;

  8. provide any communications, as appropriate and in conjunction with York Regional Police; and

  9. coordinate any Traumatic Events Support (TES), as required, following the lockdown.


3.5 Plant Services shall:

  1. ensure that doors and locks are maintained in good repair;

  2. ensure the development and provision of school site drawings to Administrative Services that include the location of portables; and

  3. inform the Senior Manager, Corporate Communications of current provider of alarm monitoring services.


3.6 School Staff shall:

  1. participate in lockdown drills as required, referring to lockdown instructions posted in each room;

  2. follow directions given by the principal and/or police during lockdown;

  3. follow the site-specific lockdown plan;

  4. minimize visibility into secure areas, if it is safe to do so;

  5. take all reasonable steps to maximize the safety of students and others such as, but not limited to, using furniture in a portable to maximize physical barriers between walls and occupants;

  6. for staff participating with students in activities outside the school building, follow the school lockdown plan;

  7. cooperate fully with police, fire and ambulance responders; and

  8. assist with family reunification following the lockdown.


3.7 Students shall:

  1. participate in lockdown drills as required, referring to lockdown instructions posted in each room;

  2. remain in or go to the nearest secure area when lockdown is announced;

  3. follow the instructions of the principal, school staff and/or police;

  4. remain in a secure area until instructed to leave;

  5. remain quiet and turn off cell phones and other personal electronic equipment; and

  6. for students participating in activities outside the school building, follow the school lockdown plan.


3.8 Others shall:

  1. remain in or go to the nearest secure area when the lockdown is announced;

  2. follow the instructions of the principal, school staff and/or police; and

  3. remain quiet and turn off cell phones and other personal electronic equipment.


4. Definitions


4.1 Lockdown

A school response to a serious emergency situation and/or potential threat of violence where the threat is inside a school, on or very near to school property.


4.2 School Staff

All Board employees assigned to work in a school building.


4.3 Building Occupants

Building Occupants include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. staff;

  2. visitors;

  3. parents/guardians;

  4. external service providers/contractors/trade persons/bus drivers;

  5. inspectors/officers (Police, Ministry of Labour, Fire Department, Paramedics, Municipal);

  6. child care staff (full-day and before-and-after programs);

  7. lease/permit holders; and

  8. shared-use/multi-use groups.


5. Contact

Education and Community Services


6. History

Drafted: February 2023


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Board Procedure #669.4, Hold-and-Secure, School Sites


1. Policy Statement

This document details the responsibilities of staff and others under circumstances requiring Hold-and-Secure protective measures in schools.


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, building occupants and visitors.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Hold-and-Secure, Schools Sites procedure.


3.2 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure all school administrators have developed a site specific Hold-and-Secure plan;

  2. ensure Corporate Communications and Student Transportation Services staff are made aware of the Hold-and-Secure; and

  3. remain available by phone to school staff during a Hold-and-Secure.


3.3 Principals shall:


3.3.1 In preparing for a Hold-and-Secure:

  1. establish and maintain an Emergency Response Team (ERT) with representatives from various employee groups in the school;

  2. work with the ERT to develop a site specific plan for hold-and-secure;

  3. engage childcare staff and shared/multi-use groups and other daytime school user groups in the development of the Hold-and-Secure plan and related training;

  4. ensure that the Hold-and-Secure plan includes a protocol for controlling access to and exit during a hold-and-secure;

  5. ensure all staff (including temporary staff upon arrival at the school), receive instruction on the hold-and-secure procedure;

  6. ensure students are trained in hold-and-secure;

  7. ensure the Hold-and-Secure plan includes procedures for students and staff participating:

    • in activities outside the school building (i.e., on buses, field activities, lunch/recess, trips, drop-off and dismissal time, sporting events, etc.);

  8. ensure the Public Address (PA)system and cameras are maintained in good repair;

  9. communicate information concerning the Hold-and-Secure Plan to parents/guardians through school newsletters, School Council and school website;

  10. notify parents/guardians concerning a specific hold-and-secure incident in collaboration with Corporate Communications and the Superintendent;

  11. ensure daytime user groups/tenants and daycare operators have direct lines of communication with the main office;

  12. ensure adherence to Policy #280.0, Volunteers in our Schools; and

  13. conduct a minimum of one hold-and-secure drill per year (early in Semester/Term 1) and only conduct a second drill in Semester/Term 2 where there is a high turnover of staff.


3.3.2 During the Hold-and-Secure:

  1. announce the hold-and-secure using the PA system by reading the scripted hold-and-secure message (“Attention, Attention, Attention – we are in Hold-and-Secure.  Follow Hold-and-Secure.”  Repeat a number of times.);

  2. call 911; 

  3. notify the superintendent of education and Corporate Communications;

  4. advise staff supervising off-site activities of the hold-and-secure by phone;

  5. ensure all exterior doors, including portable doors, are locked;

  6. ensure staff close windows, draw blinds and lock doors;

  7. post signage on exterior doors;

  8. notify daytime user groups/tenants and daycare operators of the hold-and-secure;

  9. ensure all students and staff participating in outside activities are moved into the main building;

  10. move all students and staff from outside buildings into the main building if access to washroom facilities will be a problem;

  11. follow direction of police upon arrival;

  12. advise staff supervising off-site activities of the hold-and-secure by phone; and

  13. notify daytime user groups/tenants and childcare operators that the hold-and-secure has ended when advised to do so by police.


3.3.3 Following the Hold-and-Secure:

  1. complete and retain a hold-and-secure report for each hold-and-secure or hold-and-secure drill held in the school;

  2. notify parents/guardians of any specific hold-and-secure after conclusion of the incident with support from Corporate Communications; and

  3. debrief with staff and consider any additional support that may be required for students and/or staff.


3.4 Corporate Communications shall:

  1. liaise with York Regional Police Headquarters during the hold-and-secure;

  2. advise the superintendent of education and principal, vice-principal or designate concerning the status of the threat, as reported by police;

  3. ensure Student Transportation Services staff are made aware of the hold-and-secure, as required;

  4. notify Administrative Services;

  5. notify the Director and/or Associate Directors, Superintendent of Education, Caring and Safe Schools, Superintendent of Education, School and System Operations, Manager of Health and Safety;

  6. provide any communications during and after the hold-and-secure, as appropriate and in conjunction with York Regional Police; and

  7. coordinate any Traumatic Events Support (TES), as required, following the hold-and-secure.


3.5 Plant Services and Internet Technology Services shall:

  1. ensure that doors, locks and PA systems are maintained in good repair.


3.6 Staff and others shall:

  1. follow directions given by the person in charge during hold-and-secure;

  2. follow the hold-and-secure procedure;

  3. continue regular activities; and

  4. strictly follow school access/exit protocol during a hold-and-secure.


3.7 Caretakers shall:

  1. lock all exterior doors and post signage on doors.


3.8 Students shall:

  1. follow the instructions of the person in charge;

  2. continue with regular school activities; and

  3. not leave the school until the hold-and-secure is lifted.


4. Definitions


4.1 Hold-and-Secure

Protective measures applied in school buildings under circumstances of security concern due to threats to school occupants from events occurring near the school. All exterior doors are locked. The regular activities in the school continue. Access to and exit from the school are controlled.


4.2 School Staff

All Board employees assigned to work in a school building.


4.3 Building Occupants

Building Occupants include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. staff;

  2. visitors;

  3. parents/guardians;

  4. external service providers/contractors/trade persons/bus drivers;

  5. inspectors/officers (Police, Ministry of Labour, Fire Department, Paramedics, Municipal);

  6. child care staff (full-day and before-and-after programs);

  7. lease/permit holders; and

  8. shared-use/multi-use groups.


5. Contact

Education and Community Services


6. History

Drafted: February 2023


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Board Procedure #669.5, Bomb Threat, School Sites


1. Policy Statement

This procedure outlines the responsibilities and required actions of staff and others with respect to bomb threats. The Ministry of Education requires each school board to have a set of emergency procedures, which includes bomb threats.


2. Application

The policy and procedures apply to staff, students, building occupants and visitors.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Bomb Threat, School Sites procedure.


3.2 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure all school administrators have developed a site-specific bomb threat plan;

  2. ensure Corporate Communications are made aware of the bomb threat; and

  3. ensure that a record of evacuation locations is maintained through the completion of the evacuation eForm by the principal.


3.3 Principals shall:


3.3.1 In preparing for a Bomb Threat:

  1. establish and maintain an Emergency Response Team (ERT) with representatives from the various employee groups in the school;

  2. lead ERT to develop a site-specific plan for bomb threats;

  3. maintain printed demographic lists of enrolled students with parent/guardian emergency contacts which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  4. ensure staff have class lists which must be brought with them during any evacuation;

  5. engage childcare staff and other daytime school user groups and shared/multi-use groups in the development of the bomb threat plan and related training;

  6. ensure the bomb threat plan includes procedures for students and staff participating in activities outside the school building (i.e., on buses, field activities, recess, trips, sporting events, etc.);

  7. complete evacuation eForm to designate alternate locations for students and school staff members during evacuation when necessary;

  8. designate primary and secondary command post locations which should not be shared publicly;

  9. identify possible locations in and around the school where suspicious packages/devices might be placed;

  10. provide for controlled access to critical areas of all facilities
    (i.e., main Office, electrical  rooms, mechanical rooms);

  11. ensure electronic surveillance is in working condition;

  12. ensure wall mounted phones in classes are in working order;

  13. ensure emergency exits are kept clear;

  14. do not use cell phones, two way radios (walkie talkies) or any other wireless device in the vicinity of suspicious packages due to risk of triggering the suspicious package, however, classroom telephones are safe to use in these situations to communicate with the office; and

  15. ensure staff, Board staff and students receive training in bomb threat safety drills.


3.3.2 Train all staff members and students in Bomb Threat safety drills and training protocols:

  1. all staff members, in particular those that are accessible by phone (i.e., administrative assistants, administrators, guidance staff members, etc.) should be identified in school plans and receive training since bomb threats may be made over the phone, received by mail, electronically, etc.;

  2. ensure training outlines steps to take during an actual Bomb Threat occurrence:

    • if a bomb threat is given over the phone, the person receiving a bomb threat by telephone should:

      • keep the caller on the line as long as possible if it is safe to do so and/or does not prevent them from initiating response procedures; and

      • ·refer to the checklist of sample Bomb Threat Telephone Procedure in the Bomb Threat Plan Appendix and record conversation if phone system has recording feature.

    • if a bomb threat is received electronically (i.e., email, Twitter, text message, fax, etc.) every effort must be made to isolate and preserve it to provide to an administrator; and
    • any staff member receiving a bomb threat by any means must report it immediately to the principal at any time, including on weekends and holidays.


3.3.3 Train staff in conducting Visual Scans:

A visual scan may provide critical information to support decision making during the initial assessment. Those conducting visual scans know what does and does not belong within the school and therefore are best suited to recognize suspicious packages and/or devices.

  1. all school staff will conduct visual scans (i.e., immediate area including hall) in bomb threat situations;

  2. visual scans will be conducted in a timely, thorough and systematic manner;

  3. a school staff member conducting a visual scan may, under no circumstances, touch or move a suspicious package or device;

  4. when something suspicious is found, inform the principal/main office immediately as the area must be immediately evacuated of all students and staff members; and

  5. consult with police to jointly determine if evacuation is necessary.


3.3.4 Train staff in procedures following the location of a Suspicious Device or Package:

  1. when a suspicious package/device is located, appropriate procedures include:

    • isolation/containment of the device/package, ensuring it is not touched or moved;

    • immediate communication to the principal who will notify police;

    • consultation with police to determine if the fire department should be notified;

    • consult with police to jointly determine if evacuation is necessary.


3.3.5 Principal, Vice-Principal or designate to conduct the initial assessment which will include:

  1. information readily available, such as the Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management Binder, for the responding police and use of checklists found in the Bomb Threat Plan;

  2. notifying the superintendent of education and/or Corporate Communications;

  3. information recorded on the bomb threat checklist and any other notes taken by the call taker;

  4. activities taking place in the school or on school grounds at the time of the threat (i.e., examinations, etc.);

  5. check for location of the bomb;

  6. whether the threat was specific to the current time and date or for the future;

  7. any recent negative incidents involving a student, staff member, or anyone else connected with the school;

  8. whether there have been any other recent bomb threats;

  9. likelihood of anyone having the opportunity to place a bomb in the stated location; 

  10. whether a specific device/package has been located; and

  11. following police directives and sharing any relevant information such as:

    • information recorded on the bomb threat checklist;

    • activities taking place in the school or on the grounds at the time of the threat;

    • status of any evacuation that may be underway;

    • status of any visual scan that may be underway; and

    • name of the in-school contact person.


3.3.6 During a Bomb Threat:

  1. upon receiving notification of a bomb threat, the principal will ensure that a call is immediately placed to 911;

  2. notify superintendent of education and/or Corporate Communication;

  3. jointly determine next steps in consultation with York Regional Policy (YRP) and superintendent of education (i.e., evacuate, remain on site, partial evacuation);

  4. announce on the PA system:

    • “Attention, attention, attention. At this time, we ask staff and students to remain in your current location and that staff do a visual scan for any package(s) and inform the Main Office immediately if anything is found.” Repeat a number of times.

      This announcement must be posted near all PA system microphones/telephones for immediate access. Please ensure that the announcement is transmitted indoors and outdoors via PA system.

  5. be the person responsible for initial assessment and related decisions, including visual scans and evacuations;

  6. keep daytime user groups/tenants and childcare operators updated on the status of the bomb threat;

  7. cooperate fully with police and work to ensure all staff and students do the same; and

  8. continue to exercise the duties of a principal, to the extent possible even if relocated to an alternate location, in support of emergency responders.


3.3.7 Following a Bomb Threat:

  1. work closely with Corporate Communications to ensure timely and ongoing communication with parents/guardians;

  2. complete and retain the bomb threat drill or occurrence report for each drill or occurrence held in the school; and

  3. debrief with staff and consider any additional support that may be required for staff and/or students.


3.4 School staff and others shall:

  1. participate in and review all safety drills and training protocols;

  2. follow directions given by the principal and/or designate during the bomb threat;

  3. follow the bomb threat procedure;

  4. conduct visual scans if possible (i.e., immediate area including hall);

  5. immediately report any bomb threat, suspicious package/device, or explosives incident to the principal; 

  6. do not touch or remove any suspicious package or device;

  7. know and follow all evacuation procedures; and

  8. if directed to evacuate, exit immediately and remove only personal property on them (i.e., purses, lunch containers, knapsacks, etc.) and unlock drawers, cabinets, etc., for the search crew, if possible.


3.5 Teachers shall:

  1. be responsible for the supervision and safety of students;

  2. inform students of their roles and responsibilities; and

  3. reinforce school procedures for safe evacuation. 


3.6  Office staff members shall:

  1.  immediately report bomb threats to the principal or designate; and

  2. follow all instructions and record all information on the Bomb Threat Telephone Procedure and Checklist.


3.7 Students shall:

  1.  follow the instructions of the person in charge;

  2. be familiar with the emergency plan and respond to school staff direction;

  3. promptly disclose information on, or knowledge of, any potential bomb threat, the placement of a suspicious package/device, or an explosive incident to the principal or designate;

  4. do not remove or touch any suspicious package or device; and

  5. turn off cell phones.


3.8 Parents/Guardians shall:

  1. reinforce student responsibilities about following directions during a bomb threat and the need to disclose any information they may have related to an incident to the principal and/or police.


3.9 Plant Services shall:

  1. provide training for caretakers in bomb threat safety; and

  2. provide and update all site plan drawings as required.


3.10 Information Technology Services shall:

  1. ensure PA systems are maintained in good repair.


4. Definitions


4.1 Bomb Threat

Bomb threat means the communication or threat of use of explosives. This can include the threat of other hazards such as Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) materials or devices.

A bomb threat protocol is designed to help school staff members and emergency services personnel work together to deal with bomb threats quickly and cautiously. 


4.2 School Staff

All Board employees assigned to work in a school building.


4.3 Building Occupants

Building Occupants include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. staff;

  2. visitors;

  3. parents/guardians;

  4. external service providers/contractors/trade persons/bus drivers;

  5. inspectors/officers (Police, Ministry of Labour, Fire Department, Paramedics, Municipal);

  6. child care staff (full-day and before-and-after programs);

  7. lease/permit holders; and

  8. shared-use/multi-use groups.


5. Contact

Education and Community Services


6. History

Drafted: May 2022